Conservation areas

Places of environmental quality and interest

Conservation areas are places of environmental quality and interest. They exist to protect the special architectural and historic interest of a place, simply put it is the features that make it unique and distinctive.

Additional planning restrictions apply within these areas to ensure that special regard is paid to preserving and enhancing their character or appearance.

Learn more about conservation areas.

Orchards Way, Gaters Mill and Botley Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Proposals Supplementary Planning Documents

Appraisals have been carried out to re-assess the existing Orchards Way; Gaters Mill and Romill Close; and Botley Conservation Areas and to re-evaluate and re-examine their special interest. The review provides a basis for management proposals that are aimed at preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the designated areas or zones within the areas. They will be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

Two of the draft Conservation Areas Appraisals and Management Proposals suggest boundary changes. Following an assessment of the conservation area and surrounding area, it is proposed that the Romill Close area is removed from the existing Gaters Mill and Romill Close Conservation Area. A number of detailed changes are also proposed to the boundary of the Botley Conservation Area. (Please note that the Management Proposals in the Botley Conservation Area Appraisal do not cover the parts of the Conservation Area outside Eastleigh borough).

The consultation ends on 11 April 2025.