Information for candidates and agents

Key information for 6 March by-election

Hamble & Netley Borough Ward by-election - Thursday 6 March 2025

View Notices for this election

The Electoral Commission provides guidance for anyone who wants to stand as a candidate or agent at a local government election in England.

If you would like to formally submit nomination papers, please make an appointment between 10am and 4pm from Friday 31 January to Friday 7 February. Please note that close of nominations is 4pm on Friday 7 June 2024.

If you would like a preliminary check of your nomination papers before formal submission, please email them to [email protected].

Counting of votes

The verification and counting of votes will be held after the close of poll at 10pm on Thursday 6 March at Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, SO50 9YN. Entry to the Count will only be available to staff, candidates, and agents.