Annual Canvass
Information about the annual canvass
The annual canvass is a legal process that must be completed each year. We contact all households to check that voter details in each household are correct on the electoral register. It ensures that all residents who are eligible to vote are on the electoral register and those who are no longer entitled are removed.
It is also an opportunity for voters to update their preferences on the open register and the method in which they would like to vote (i.e. at the polling station, by post, etc).
The annual canvass runs from September to November, with the revised electoral register being published on 1 December.
Before contacting households in the borough, the information currently held on the electoral register is matched against national data (held by the Department of Work and Pensions) and some local data.
The results of the data match will determine how we contact you, and the response required from you.
The letter you will receive will depend on whether or not records indicate that there has been a change in the registered voters living at your property.
Each letter explains if a response is required, and the methods detailing how to respond. It is very important that your letter is read carefully to ensure the information which we hold is accurate.
If a response is required for your property, please respond online as quickly as possible, using the two-part security code printed on your letter. You can also respond by telephone, email, or by posting the form back to us.
If we do not receive the required response, we will make every attempt to get a response from you. This may be via reminder forms, emails, a telephone call, or a visit to your property.
The law states that you must respond to the annual electoral canvass if you are asked to do so. If you do not reply, it will affect your right to vote, and it may also affect your ability to open a bank account, get credit, a loan or a mortgage as the full register is checked by authorised credit agencies.
Please note that the forms are not registration forms. Anyone added to the details pre-printed on the form will also need to register individually online at By completing the registration process, you will ensure that you are entitled to vote in all upcoming elections.
When you register, due to statutory processes and timings, it can take several weeks before your entry is visible to credit agencies.
The fastest way to respond to the Annual Canvass is online.
Once you have received the annual canvass form, please complete the following steps:
- visit the Household Response website;
- enter the two security codes that are included on your form to access your household details;
- make any necessary changes and click 'Submit'.
If there are no changes to the information we hold, you can respond by telephone or text. Follow the instructions on the form you receive.
If you have questions about the canvass or any of the forms, please contact [email protected]