Rough sleeping

How to report a rough sleeper and how we help

The best way you can help is by letting us know

Even if you don’t directly see someone you are concerned about, but there’s evidence that someone may have been sleeping rough, or there’s someone you are worried about that needs our housing team’s assistance – please use the support form below to let us know.

The more we are aware the more we can use our resources in the best way to help. By providing food and spare change you are helping vulnerable people stay on the streets longer.

We cannot force assistance on someone who is homeless, but we can ensure we keep in touch regularly to offer a variety support.

If there’s someone you know who is at risk of becoming homelessness, we would advise that you share the Homelessness advice page with them. There are many things to try, and advice to help prevent the loss of a home.

It's a team effort

The Housing team may be the first port of call and who manage the process, but there’s a much wider network of organisations who form the help available:

  1. Housing team alerted: By street pastors, Eastleigh BID, Councillors, Housing Associations, EBC staff, the police and many other organisations; together with your help

  2. Recorded: A case officer will be allocated

  3. Contact made/attempted: This Officer will either contact the person(s) in need or request Two Saints (the Outreach Team) to make contact. The person who made the alert may also be contacted

  4. Homelessness assessment completed: An offer of emergency accommodation will be made if criteria under the Homelessness Legislation is met. If the person(s) is not homeless or threatened with homelessness in 56 days, we will provide them with information and details of our appropriate partners who may be able to help

  5. The 56-day Prevention Duty or Relief Duty begins: This is a multi-agency effort with the Housing team and Two Saints working closely with other local partners
    • A Personal Housing Plan will be created and followed together
    • Referrals to partner agencies, depending on specific needs
    • Regular welfare contact and engagement opportunities
    • Needs assessment will be completed
    • Suitable accommodation options will be identified
    • Assistance to secure a tenancy e.g. with Tenancy Start Up Loan or Discretionary Housing Payment options
  6. Outcome: If the person(s) is eligible, homeless and in priority need we would provide suitable accommodation, otherwise we will provide them with information and details of our appropriate partners who may be able to help.

For a more detailed look at the process and how we can help

Severe Weather Emergency Protocol

During periods of severe weather, rough sleepers are at increased risk of harm and potentially death. To alleviate risks to rough sleepers in the event of severe weather, we take appropriate action by way of the provision of shelter in accordance with our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP).