Corporate Plan Three-Year Action Plan published
Detailed road map to support communities and improve lives
The document that turns the Council's guiding strategy into a range of actions designed to support communities and improve lives across Eastleigh Borough has been published.
The Corporate Plan Three-Year Action Plan is the detailed roadmap that sets out our vision to lead and support Eastleigh Borough and its communities under four priority themes: Enabling a Healthier Eastleigh, Shaping Places, Protecting our Environment, and Creating Homes and Communities.
The Action Plan commits us to enabling improved quality of life for residents, promoting thriving and healthy people and places, supporting the local economy, and maintaining an attractive and sustainable environment that our residents value. It considers where we are now under each priority theme, sets out what our aspirations are, then pledges our specific commitments, and the enabling and supporting actions that need to be in place to achieve them.
Council Leader, Councillor Keith House said: "We are proud of our record of delivering excellent services that improve the lives of our residents and support the communities that make up Eastleigh Borough. We approach the coming years with the confidence that comes from our strong record and a determination to meet the challenges on the horizon.”