Council changes to ‘greener’ hand tools

Eastleigh Borough Council’s Streetscene team are now using battery operated hand tools to undertake nearly all their work including strimming, grass and hedge maintenance. This is another example of the Council’s ongoing commitment to tackling climate change and, by March 2021, all their hand tools will be battery powered.
The battery-operated hand tools have replaced the old petrol driven ones and have many benefits. Not only are they much better for the environment as they don’t use fossil fuels and produce no exhaust fumes but as the Council no longer has to purchase petrol to power them it will produce a significant financial saving each year. The new hand tools are also safer and quieter and are much better for the operatives as they reduce hand/arm vibration when they are being used over long periods.
Cabinet Lead for Environment, Cllr Rupert Kyrle said, “This is a fantastic initiative and is another great example of the Council’s ongoing commitment to tackling climate change. This is a big change for the Council to convert to battery operated hand tools but it’s better for the environment our operatives, residents and it also saves many thousands of pounds each year.”
Photo caption: Cllr Rupert Kyrle with Simon from our Streetscene team using one of the new battery powered hand tools