Council consults on tree protection policy
The Council is consulting on the protection of trees across the borough. The draft Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation will run for six weeks from Wednesday 9 June – Wednesday 21 July 2021.
The draft Trees and Development SPD sets out Eastleigh Borough Council’s robust policy on the protection of existing trees and planting of new trees for new developments in one document. It aims to ensure that trees are fully considered as part of the planning process and there is a net gain of trees on development sites. It will also help to reinforce the Borough’s Local Plan policy on trees, develop green infrastructure and support the Council’s commitment to tree planting as part of the Climate Change and Environmental Emergency programme.
The Council views existing trees as important assets to a new development and careful consideration must be given to incorporating them in the design and layout of any development and protecting them during construction. It also includes an extensive tree replacement policy.
This SPD will be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. It includes key principles about incorporating existing trees, planting and establishing new trees and in exceptional cases, the replacement of existing trees on site.
The Trees and Development SPD provides technical guidance on policy DM1 in the emerging Eastleigh Borough Local Plan (2016 – 2036) which sets out the general criteria for new development.
Have your say on the Draft Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document
Read the Draft Trees and Development SPD
Read the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Statement