Local residents are being urged to have their say about pharmacy provision in the borough.
Residents only have until March 21 to make their views known.
Local residents are being urged to have their say about pharmacy provision in the borough.
And residents only have until March 21 to make their views known.
A consultation dubbed the *Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment* (PNA) has been published by Hampshire County Council with comments about local pharmacy provision being requested.
In our Borough, concern has been raised in Hedge End following the closure of the Lloyds pharmacy at Sainsbury’s.
Now, members of Eastleigh Borough Council are hoping that the new housing development at Boorley Park could potentially be the site of a brand-new pharmacy.
Rules governing the issuing of new NHS dispensing contracts are very strict.
However, council members believe they have a strong case for a fresh one to be included in the PNA which is due to be published in October this year. Its recommendations are taken seriously by NHS England.
The consultation also admits that Eastleigh is the only district out of 11 districts in Hampshire which does not have a 100-hour pharmacy.
These pharmacies provide extended opening hours both in the morning and late into the evening and weekends.
Leader of Eastleigh Borough Council, Cllr Keith House, said: “Not only has the pharmacy at Sainsbury’s shut but we are the only district in Hampshire which does not have a 100-hour pharmacy.
“Both myself and members of the Council think that the consultation provides us and residents with an excellent opportunity to urge NHS England to grant a new dispensing contract for a brand-new pharmacy – possibly located at Boorley Park.”
Anyone who wishes to comment can use the link below: