Only put food in your food waste bins!
Local residents are urged to only place food in their food waste bins that’s the message from Eastleigh Borough Council’s waste and recycling team after a significant rise in other items being placed in the brown food waste bin.
Veolia, the company that disposes of the food waste the Council collects, have noticed a sharp increase in some wrong items being placed in the food waste bin. Typical items include:
Items of cutlery
Plates and bowls
Food packaging
Empty tins (should be in the green recycling bin)
These items are causing damage to the food waste processing line and potentially, could have an immediate shut down to their food waste processing facility.
A Council spokesperson said, “Thousands of our residents use our popular weekly food waste collection service. We would remind everyone to ensure that they take care to ensure that they only put waste food in the brown food waste bins."