Plant Eastleigh to recruit volunteer and community groups

After the success of the Plant Eastleigh team’s volunteer and school planting days over spring, another exciting recruitment drive is under way to encourage local people to get involved in planting and maintaining trees in the Borough.
Council Rangers are planning urban planting and maintenance events. They would love to hear from community groups and volunteers who would like to take part in these events. The core planting season is autumn through to spring, but maintenance sessions for volunteers are hosted out of season.
The application process to become a Plant Eastleigh Volunteer is easy – you simply complete a form to be registered. You will be invited to regular maintenance and planting sessions, which may include an induction event.
Community groups can contact the team by email [email protected] to register early for planting days; these will be organised by demand.
Trees will be bought or provided by the Council-run tree nursery in Horton Heath. They will be a mixture of whips and standard (more established) young trees which the local community can support to help thrive.
Plant Eastleigh is our campaign for residents, businesses, and community organisations to have 160,000 more trees in Eastleigh Borough by 2030. The project contributes to the England Trees Action Plan, launched to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change.
The project is supported through the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
To find out more and to volunteer or put forward your community group, visit