Protecting rough sleepers in freezing weather
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol activated
With the current freezing weather conditions, we are increasing our support to ensure that no-one needs to sleep outside during the cold weather, and have activated our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) for people sleeping rough.
The SWEP recognises that rough sleepers are at increased risk of harm, and potentially death, in extremely cold weather. Our Housing team provide shelter in accordance with our SWEP which remains in place while the temperature was low. It is currently planned to be in place until this Friday (10 January).
Residents can help by letting us know if they’re aware of a rough sleeper in the Borough.
They can:
• Report online
• Email: [email protected]
• Call: 023 8068 8000
• Visit us at Eastleigh House between 8.30am and 5pm - Monday to Friday. If our office is closed, they should call our out of hours team on 023 8068 8000