Modern Slavery 

The Council is committed to eradicating Modern Slavery. Learn more about Modern Slavery and how to report it.

The Council is committed to eradicating Modern Slavery. Learn more about Modern Slavery and how to report it.

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery can take many forms and it can be hard to spot. Modern slavery is when someone loses their freedom and is controlled and exploited by another person or period for personal or commercial gain. It encompasses human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labour and can include:

  • sexual exploitation;
  • labour exploitation;
  • forced criminality;
  • organ harvesting;
  • domestic servitude;
  • debt bondage.

Anyone can become a victim of modern slavery, with particularly vulnerable groups including:

  • unaccompanied, internally displaced children;
  • children accompanied by an adult who is not their relative or legal guardian;
  • young girls and women;
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People with mental health conditions
  • former victims of modern slavery or trafficking

 Working in Partnership

The Council works in partnership with a wide number of agencies in order to combat modern slavery, including:

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Modern Slavery Partnership’s main objectives include:

  • to raise awareness of modern slavery;
  • to combat modern slavery by working in partnership;
  • to identify and support victims of modern slavery; and
  • to pursue perpetrators of modern slavery.

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Modern Slavery Partnership provides guidance, training and best practice to partners across the county, ensuring all organisations are equipped to tackle this issue.

At a local level Eastleigh Borough Council work with Hampshire Constabulary to identify and manage any victims or perpetrators of modern slavery.

Reporting concerns

Members of the Public

The advice to residents and communities if they are affected by slavery, or suspect someone is at risk, is to:

  • call 999 if it is an emergency
  • call 101 for non-emergencies
  • call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
  • call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 012 1700
  • report online via Modern Slavery Helpline

The Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract (MSVCC) is provided by The Salvation Army and provides specialist support for all survivors of Modern Slavery in England and Wales. This can include support obtaining confidential legal advice, health care, counselling, education, financial advice, and support in obtaining employment and housing. The Salvation Army referral helpline is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, tel. 0800 808 3733 and advice can also be found on their website.

Staff, Councillors and Volunteers

All Modern Slavery concerns raised by Council staff, Councillors and volunteers will initially be reported via the Council’s internal Safeguarding Report process. When applicable, the Safeguarding Officer may then decide to report to, or take advice from, the HPSIOW Modern Slavery Partnership or MASH, on to the National Referral Mechanism.

In England and Wales, public authorities specified in section 52 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, have a statutory duty to notify the Home Office when they come across potential victims of modern slavery.

This duty is discharged by either referring a potential victim into the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) where they are a child or consenting adult, or by notifying the Home Office where an adult does not consent to enter the NRM. Both the referral and a notification can be made through the Modern Slavery Portal.

Statutory Guidance was published by the Home Office in October 2023 and a copy is available Gov.UK; Modern Slavery: Statutory Guidance for England and Wales (under section 49 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015)


Modern Slavery Statement

The statement sets out what steps the Council has taken, and will be taking, to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within the Council and in our supply chains. Eastleigh Borough Council is committed to eradicating modern slavery and aims to eliminate the impact on people in the Borough. It is reviewed annually and presented to Council for approval.

Modern Slavery Statement 2023/24