Bus services

Information on bus routes connecting Eastleigh and bus stop bicycle parking

A network of regular bus routes connect the Borough of Eastleigh to Southampton and other major destinations in the area. The Solent Go Travelcard covering bus and ferry travel and car clubs can be used on buses across Eastleigh, making bus travel easier.

View our bus route map.

You can find more information on fares, timetable and service updates on the Bluestar or Stagecoach sites or visit Traveline for up to date timetable information.

Service 44 - Eastleigh to Chandler’s Ford & Hiltingbury Circular

In July 2023 a new mini-bus service was launched, operating between Eastleigh and Chandler’s Ford, also serving communities in Hiltingbury, Fryern and Velmore. The number 44 mini-bus service replaces the Xelabus X6/X7 routes.

The service, run by Community First, will offer nine daily Monday to Friday roundtrips to Chandler’s Ford, Hiltingbury, Fryern and Eastleigh. It will also run a morning and afternoon peak-time service (Monday to Friday) linking to Velmore when the Bluestar 23 is not operating.
Adult fares cost between £2.50 and £5 child fares between £1 and £3.50.

The service will run for one year to review passenger usage, with an option to extend the contract.

Funding for this service has been provided by Hampshire County Council in partnership with Chandlers Ford Parish Council, who received a grant from Eastleigh Borough Council.

Bicycle parking at bus stops
We have installed cycle parking at bus stops along the Bluestar 1 route between Chandlers Ford and Otterbourne, and at bus stops along the Bluestar 2 route between Fair Oak, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh and towards Southampton so that you can cycle and easily park your bike at your local bus stop. 

Maps of bus stop cycle parking locations:
Bluestar 1 route Southampton-Chandler’s Ford-Winchester

Bluestar 2 route Southampton-Eastleigh-Bishopstoke-Fair Oak​

List of bus stop cycle parking locations:

Bluestar 1 route cycle stands at the following stops:

Bluestar 2 route cycle stands at the following stops: