Local Plan adoption

Final version of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 and information on its adoption

The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 was adopted on 25 April 2022. It sets out the policies and plans to guide future development to 2036. It will be used to determine planning applications in the Borough and replaces the ‘saved’ policies in the Adopted Local Plan 2001-2011.

View an interactive version of the Policies Maps


The Adoption Statement and background documents are available below:

A revised version of the Eastleigh Borough Settlement Gaps Study Report has been published. This corrects the labelling of one of the photos on page 14.

Inspector’s Report

On 14 March 2022, the Council received the Inspector’s Final Report on the Examination of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036. This concludes that with the recommended main modifications, the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 is sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption. With the delivery of the Inspector’s Final report to the Council, the Examination of the Eastleigh Local Plan is now officially closed.

The conclusions of the Inspector’s report means that the Local Plan can go forward with a recommendation to adopt the Plan at a Full Council meeting on Monday 25 April 2022.

The Council will be publishing updated versions of the Local Plan and Policies Maps before the Full Council meeting. These will incorporate all the modifications recommended by the Inspector. They will also include minor additional modifications that the Council can make because they do not materially affect the Local Plan. 

The Council has also completed for the final modifications, a summary and addendum to the sustainability appraisal (including Appendix D), and an addendum to the habitat regulations assessment.