Examination overview

Details of the submission, appointed Planning Inspector and Programme Officer


Submission of the Eastleigh Local Plan

Following the invitation by the Council to submit representations on the submission draft of the Local Plan, the Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 31 October 2018 for independent examination.

A full list of the evidence submitted is now available and all the documents can be viewed in the Examination Library.


Due to the previously arranged work commitments of the Inspector originally appointed, it has become necessary to change the Inspector, and the Secretary of State has now appointed Inspector Christa Masters MA (Hons) MRTPI to conduct the Examination.

Her task is to consider whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the relevant legal requirement and if the plan is sound, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).

The Local Plan should be:

  • Positively prepared: it should be based on a strategy that looks at meeting objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements. This includes; where reasonable to do so; those unmet by our neighbours. It should also be consistent with achieving sustainable development
  • Justified: it should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence
  • Effective: it should be deliverable and based on effective joint working with partners and neighbours; and
  • Consistent with national policy: it should enable the delivery of sustainable development set out by national policy.

Programme Officer

Louise St John Howe has been appointed as the Programme Office. She is an Independent Officer of the examination and works on the Inspector’s behalf organising and managing the administrative and procedural matters of the Examination process.

The Programme Officer acts as the contact for any person who has an interest in the examination, liaising between the Inspector, Eastleigh Borough Council and Representors. Any matters that anyone wishes to raise with the Inspector should be submitted through the Programme Officer.

Contact details