Further hearing sessions

30 November: The date of the further hearings session to discuss Policy HA2 Mercury Marina and Riverside Camping & Caravanning Park has now been confirmed as Tuesday 5 January 2021.

The Inspector will be holding a further hearing session to discuss Policy HA2 Mercury Marina and Riverside Camping and Caravanning Park.

The hearing session has been provisionally set for 5 January 2021 and confirmation of the date will follow as soon as possible.

For further information please see the documents below:-

ED81 Inspector’s Examination Update
ED82 Inspector’s Issues and Questions for further Examination
ED83 Inspector’s Guidance Note


Hearing Statements for Policy HA2 Mercury Marina Camping & Caravanning Park

Eastleigh Borough Council
Appendix 1 Statement of Common Ground between EBC and Mercury Developments Ltd
Mercury Developments Ltd (Turley)
Eastleigh Ramblers’ Association