Temporary event notice
Temporary Event Notices (TENs) are not a licence, but a system for self-authorisation of any or all of the licensable activities (sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment) at a small event for a short period of time.
In consequence, the Licensing Authority does not "grant" TENs and has no opportunity to intervene unless objection is made by the Police or Environmental Health.
Types of Temporary Event Notice
- Standard Temporary Event Notice: must be received by the Licensing Authority, Police and Environmental Health at the addresses in the guidance at least ten clear working days before the event starts
- Late Temporary Event Notice: must be received by the Licensing Authority, Police and Environmental Health at the addresses in the guidance no earlier than nine clear working days and no later than five clear working days before the event starts
The calculation of the required period of notice therefore excludes Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday, bank holidays, the day of service of the notice and the day (or first day) of the event. This period of notice is specified in law and there is no discretion to accept a shorter period of notice in any circumstances. "Working day" is clearly defined in section 193 of the Licensing Act 2003
Remember: When submitting an electronic temporary event notice via the below tab, the applicant is required to check there are sufficient working days notice of application as per section 104 (1) of the Licensing Act 2003. This does not include the date the application is submitted, the start date of the event or bank holidays.
Restrictions on the temporary event notice
The legislation restricts several important aspects of Temporary Event Notices these include:
- No more than 499 people at any one time (including performers, staff etc.) may attend an event authorised by a Temporary Event Notice
- Each Temporary Event Notice may only last for maximum period of 168 hours
- No more than 15 Temporary Event Notices may be given in a calendar year for particular premises (or, for event periods occurring wholly or partly in 2022 or 2023, 20 times a calendar year)
- Temporary Event Notices may only authorise events at particular premises for a maximum of 21 days per calendar year (or any part of those periods occurring in 2022 or 2023, 26 days per calendar year)
- There must be an interval of not less than 24 hours between temporary event notices at particular premises
- The individual giving the Temporary Event Notice must be over 18
- An individual may not give more than five Temporary Event Notices in one calendar year, of which no more than two may be late TENs
- If an individual holds a personal licence for the sale of alcohol, the limits are 50 Temporary Event Notice of which no more than 10 may be late TENs
- On receipt of a Temporary Event Notice, if the proposed event is not within the restrictions, a counter notice will be issued and the event will not be authorised
It is possible to give a Temporary Event Notice for any premises, including those which already have premises licences or club premises certificates. The Temporary Event Notice will need to state the dates and times when licensable activities are to take place.
Who must be aware of the notice ?
A copy of the notice must also be served to the Police Licensing Team and to the Environmental Health Service.
You also need to notify the owner of the premises you are using that you are giving a Temporary Events Notice and obtained any necessary public liability insurance for your event.
You will be asked to make a payment of the fee of £21 when you submit your notice online, which will be copied to the police and Environmental Health. If you fail to provide any of the information required, the notice will be rejected. No refunds will be provided for rejected notices.
Who can object?
Only the police and environmental health may object to a TEN, and only on grounds related to one or more of the licensing objectives - crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance or the protection of children from harm.
They have three working days to do so after the service of the TEN on them (see the definition of "working days" above). If there is an objection to a standard TEN, notice of a hearing by the council's Licensing Panel will be given. The Panel can decide to uphold or dismiss the objection and can impose conditions.
An objection to a late TEN by the Police or Environmental Health requires the Licensing Authority to issue a counter notice and the late TEN will be of no effect. There is no right to a hearing by the Licensing Authority or any appeal.
Is there a right of appeal?
If the licensing authority decides to issue a counter notice in relation to a standard TEN, a premises user can appeal against the decision. Equally, if the licensing authority decides not to issue an objection notice in relation to a standard TEN the police or environmental health can appeal the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal may not be brought later than five working days before the day of the planned event. No appeal is possible against a counter notice resulting from an objection to a late TEN by the Police or Environmental Health..
General Data Protection
The Council has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and may use the information you have provided or share it with other bodies for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud. This includes participation in the Cabinet Office National Fraud Initiative. The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is an exercise that matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud.
Please see our full privacy policy at https://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/privacy
Contacting the Licensing Team
Please note that these functions are administered by Southampton City Council's licensing team on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 023 8083 3002 (option 4, then option 1)
Licensing Team
Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership
Civic Centre
SO14 7LY
Document Exchange: DX 115710 Southampton 17
Opening hours:
Members of the Licensing Team are normally available on weekdays at the Civic Centre, Southampton, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm to assist personal callers.