
It is important that you inform us when someone has passed away. We will need to know about a death of a liable Council taxpayer (or anyone aged over 18) so we can update the Council Tax account.

Tell Us Once

If you haven’t already, please use the Tell Us Once service to report the death. This will inform a number of Government departments (including Eastleigh Borough Council) using an online form.

Learn more by viewing the information video

We will be notified, and will adjust the account and send a revised bill to the executor’s address.

If the deceased was the only person at the address and was the sole owner of the property or sole tenancy holder, then an exemption from Council Tax will be applied to the account and you won’t need to apply for the exemption again using the form below, unless circumstances change. It is then important that we are advised when the following has happened:

  • When probate is granted
  • If the property is sold
  • If someone moves in
  • If someone inherits the property
  • When the tenancy ends

Discounts and Exemptions

It may be that the Council Tax account is now eligible for an exemption or discount.

If as a result of a death in the household the property is then empty, then Council Tax will be exempt until six months after probate. Please refer to FAQs below.

If you are a surviving partner or jointly liable person who will continue to reside in the property, please complete the form below.


A refund will not be automatically generated unless the account is closed.

Please pay the outstanding balance as requested on any bill issued. Payment reminders will be sent to the executor after a period of time. If funds are not available, then please get in touch and we can advise you of any options.

After the resident has passed away and the property is empty, an exemption is awarded regardless of whether it is furnished or not. Provided the property remains unoccupied an exemption will continue until either:

  • The tenancy ends (this will be the formal end of tenancy as agreed with the landlord. Please ensure that you keep a copy of the formal surrender of tenancy agreement should we need to see it).
  • Probate is granted and then for a maximum period of six months after this date to allow the executors to deal with the property

  • If the property has been transferred to beneficiaries, they will become liable to pay the Council Tax, and a new account will be set up in their name
  • If the property remains unoccupied and in the hands of the executors, the exemption can continue for a further six months. Once this period has ended then full Council Tax will then become payable, and a bill will be issued to the executors.
  • For accounts up to 31March 2025, if the property has remained unoccupied and unfurnished for a period of two years after the exemption has ended, the full charge plus an empty property premium of 50 per cent will become payable. 
  • From 1 April 2025 the council has introduced different empty premiums for unoccupied properties (please see tab entitled Second Homes and Empty Properties for further details). Where a property is empty due to the owner passing away the exemption will still apply for up to 6 months after probate is granted but an exception from the premium will also be applied for a further 6 months after this. The effect of this is to ensure that no empty home premium is applied in such cases until at least one year after probate is granted. Please note that a full charge will still be due from the date that the exemption ends and that if the property remains empty for longer than a year after probate is granted a Council Tax Premium will be applied.