Supplying the Council, invitations to tender
Supplying the Council
We are a large borough authority that supplies a wide range of services to the community. This means we have a considerable demand for the supply of goods and services ranging from contracts for capital projects like roads and swimming pools through to refuse collection and down to screws and nails.
All large items are purchased after a competitive tendering process. However procedures for purchasing smaller items are more informal and as long as you can show your goods or services represent value for money you stand every chance of success.
When we buy goods and services we recognise that the lowest price is not necessarily the best solution, and so purchasing decisions take other factors into account such as the economic, environmental and social impacts of goods and services both in the short and long-term.
We want you, as a potential supplier, to describe your business philosophy, policies and credentials to us so that we can be sure that those we do business with share – or have aspirations to share – common goals.
Please note that Hampshire County Council provides a wide range of services including adult social services, children's social services, highways and schools.
Opportunities valued over £50,000 are advertised on the South East Business Portal. It's quick and easy to register and is free. The portal details all the procurement opportunities across the south east region. We may also choose to advertise opportunities valued under £50,000, dependent on the type of procurement.
- Contracts Register (updated quarterly, last updated January 2025)
Terms and Conditions
Waste Contract
Frequency: one-off publication
Local authorities must publish details of their existing waste collection contracts, in line with the details contained in paragraph 27 of the Transparency Code at the point that they first publish quarterly contract information under Part 2 of this Code.
Waste Contract details: Eastleigh Borough Council does not have an external contractor for Refuse Collection. This service is provided by our Direct Services Team.