Mayoral blog

The Mayor of Eastleigh, Councillor Dave Pragnell, is writing a regular update on his engagements

Mayor's Appeal

The Mayor’s Appeal is raising money for Centrestage Productions Youth Theatre and Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society. If you'd like to contribute, any donation or support would be greatly appreciated for this worthy cause.

Make a donation or support Mayor's appeal.

Saturday 25 February 2025 – Snow White by The Performing Arts Company – The Berry Theatre

This was a fantastic production. It was perfect for children, and had plenty of humour for the grown-ups. We roared with laughter. It has to be said that the plot had been heavily re-worked and there were times that it was taking us to places that left us baffled. But that was brilliantly linked back in the traditional story in a way that was so funny. I am still trying to understand how brown bears fit in to the narrative, but their presence certainly added to the fun.

The cast were all local amateur players but the standard was outstanding. If you would like a great evening’s entertainment I recommend that you pick up tickets for future productions. You won’t be disappointed.

I’m not going to highlight any of the performers because they were all so good. We had a wonderful time and will certainly go again. Thanks everyone for such a brilliant evening.

Thursday 20 February 2025 – 100th Birthday Celebration for Iris Cafe – Snowdrop Place Care Home

Meeting Iris was such a delight, she was celebrating her 100th birthday with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was delighted to open a card from Buckingham Palace from HRH King Charles and Queen Camilla. The card had a short congratulatory note written inside which was very touching.

Iris grew up near Bournemouth, she married and lived a blissful life running a dairy farm near Bournemouth. Iris has always enjoyed looking after children and is in the enviable position of having no regrets. She told me she had a wonderful life and was surrounded by the love of her husband and children.

Iris shared some recollections of early years and how her mother adopted a homeless boy without a second thought even though the family were far from wealthy. Iris thought that looking back on those days, her mother influenced Iris in a way she could hardly imagine. Iris said she lived her life like her mother, with love and kindness as her guiding star.

Huge congratulations to Iris for reaching 100 years, looking forward to being invited to her next birthday party.

Wednesday 19 February 2025 – Local Hero Presentation to Caitlin-Mae Hewitt – Eastleigh House

This was a particular pleasure to present Caitlin-Mae Hewitt with a Local Hero Award. Caitlin was nominated by Councillor Steve Broomfield for her work clearing a footpath in Fair Oak. This was entirely her own idea. She thought it would be nice for the rest of the community if the path was clean.

She cleared food wrappers, broken glass, litter and even weeds. The result was spectacular, it was the subject of social media posts. Over the following weeks the path remained clean and eventually local residents became aware that this was the work of Caitlin.

While walking his dog Councillor Broomfield noticed that the footpath had been tidied. He saw the social media posts and was so impressed that he had no hesitation with nominating Caitlin for an award.

The award was made at Eastleigh House by myself and Councillor Broomfield. Caitlin was presented with a signed certificate and a presentation badge. Caitlin explained her reason for clearing the path and how she co-opted her mother and anyone else she could to help, but the work was mostly done by Caitlin. We were delighted to welcome Caitlin’s Mum, and her Grandparents, they were understandably so proud of her and her achievement. We finished of by enjoying tea and cake before we parted ways.

Friday 14 February 2025 – Inclusion Open Day - Eastleigh

I have passed the shop unit titled Inclusion and never thought to look inside, I had no idea what they do. So it was a real eyeopener to walk through the door and find out.

This humble looking façade disguises a hive of activity. This organisation provides drug and alcohol support for those unfortunate enough to fall into addiction. We learned that it is a huge challenge to resist the craving and to remain free of the vice. The reality is that the craving will always be there and this group helps to support addict on their journey.

Whilst there we met several clients who have been on their own personal addiction recovery journey and now continue to attend and support and help new clients who are just starting the process of facing their own demons and beginning the journey that will form the rest of their lives. From speaking to the volunteers and staff it is clear that they don’t judge the clients, they measure success in the early stages by the length of time between setbacks. They are just a setback and are treated as part of the challenge of conquering addiction. Addiction is never cured, but with the right support, people can live productive, healthy, and happy lives.

Whilst there we joined in a Tai Chi lesson. Now I started the session with a really painful hip, the next day it was so much better, not saying it was Tai Chi that helped but even so it was not a hard to do any of the exercises and in fact it was quite pleasurable.

Friday 14 February 2025 – Eastleigh BID Love Your Community Day – Leigh Road Recreation Ground, Eastleigh

This was a brilliant way to encourage folks to love their town. We started by meeting the children from Norwood School picking litter from the playground, sad to say they did find quite a lot! Very disappointing when there are litter bins so near. But let’s not dwell on that, the kids from Norwood did a brilliant job on a cold day. It was funny to see them bobbing up from the centre of a bush with a litter picker clasping a can or a food carton. They collected several bags of litter and these were sorted and sent to the appropriate waste stream.

We then went to the Point where we met representatives of u3a, they had created a fantastic post box topper that features figures picking litter, it is simply brilliant, they even sport Hi Vis tabards

We were delighted to be there for the event and spent some time chatting to the u3a ladies and the school children. Huge thank you to the organisers, Eastleigh BID team, and Perfectly Imperfect creator, Karlie Smith. An inspirational project.​

Monday 10 February 2025 – Funeral of Pamela Holden-Brown – Wessex Vale Crematorium

This was sad day indeed. To attend a funeral of a dear friend is always sad, but in this case Pam was great deal more than that, she helped me become the Councillor that I am today.

She put serving the community at the top of her list, that and raising a family. She managed to do both to an incredibly high standard.

Pam served the Chandlers Ford East Ward as Borough Councillor for 2006 – 2018 and served as Mayor 2009-2010, she was an exemplary Councillor and was honoured as an Alderman when she stepped down in 2018. She also served the community on Hampshire County Council for 12 years.

As Mayor, I had to pay my last respects to a Councillor and former Mayor of Eastleigh. If we could all get close to her achievements we will have done well.

A dear friend and valued mentor that will be missed by so many.

Saturday 8 February 2025 – Chinese New Year Celebrations – MAST, Southampton

This is a must for everyone, the colour, energy, and skilful precision of the entertainers is something to behold.

We were treated to a Lion Dance by two ladies who performed a long and energetic dance that included the formal aspects of the ceremony and a little humour for our entertainment.

There were also demonstration of some of the martial arts. This was incredible. The speed of the hands and feet were amazing in themselves, but the way the cloths flowed and the individuals seemed to defy the gravity as they performed the various demonstrations was a delight to witness.

There was also traditional Chinese dance, and singing. They must have practiced for many hours to achieve such perfection. Then, as we thought it couldn’t get better we had traditional Chinese music played on stage. How they get such a variety of notes from a instrument that only has two strings is beyond me.

Very much looking forward to next year.

Monday 27 January 2025 – Holocaust Memorial Day - Havant

This was a sobering day. The event was organised to remember the millions of murdered Jews and other groups that were so brutally murdered in the Second World War. We were privileged to hear the recollections of two individuals who were fortunate to survive the ordeal.

The story was relayed to by their son, The troubles started as Hitler rose to power and whipped up hysteria and passed laws that were cruel and vindictive. The stories of life in a concentration camp were of appalling cruelty and suffering.
But the story of their parents was different. Some lucky children were able to escape from mainland Europe to the UK, such was the back story of their parents. They were dispersed into the UK and never saw their parents or siblings again. They were all victims of the barbaric actions of a corrupt political regime.

We heard how a young lad was sent to Wales and how he struggled with making sense of the emotional trauma, how he strayed from the straight and narrow, but through all that managed to get his life back on track, met and married a soul mate, and shared a blissful life raising a family and becoming a model citizen.

The story was very touching, and if you wish to know more then you need to attend a Holocaust memorial event. Listen to the recollections, and give thanks for the life we live.

Thursday 24 January 2025 – Community First Volunteer Fair – Wide Lane Sports Ground, Eastleigh

This was a superbly organised event that was very well attended. The purpose is to bring many different voluntary groups together to share ideas, to introduce the wide range of support functions that exist, and to give would be volunteers a chance to meet a variety of organisations that they may like to support.

It is not so unusual for volunteers to support and work for more than one organisation. This event gives them a chance to meet the group organisers and introduces them to many different organisations. Volunteering is not always a hands on commitment. All organisations need fund raising and administrators to ensure that the public/client facing volunteers can continue their valuable work without distraction.

I met several friends that had been at prior events that reported that this type of event is very successful and has initiated some important links between organisations.

Thank you to Tim Houghton, CEO of Community First for hosting these events.

Friday 10 January 2025 – Unity 101 Achievement Awards – Novotel, Southampton

Unity 101 were celebrating their 19th anniversary of broadcasting 24/7, and what a show we were treated to.
The purpose of the evening, aside from the Unity 101 celebration, was to present community awards to volunteers that have earned recognition through service to Unity 101.

We were told of the reason for each award, there are simply too many to list but Unity 101 has a website so you can look it up. Suffice to say that they are all well deserved.

During the evening we were treated to Indian cultural dance, We were honoured with two sets of Men and Ladies each with a very different dance and costume style. The ladies were so different, but that said they were both so elegant, with colour being an important. The ladies were very accomplished dancers, the dances were very complex and conveyed drama and emotion. Simply beautiful.

The men were again very colourful but the dances were not serene at all, they were dramatic and very energetic. I have never seen men’s dancing that was so enthralling.

We also had an amazing young man working magic with a football. It was called freestyle football, he juggled the ball with just about every part of his body, the ball was juggled for about 10 minutes without ever touching the ground, have to say it was surprisingly entertaining. We also we spoiled rotten with songs from Prince Singh and Latin dance routines by Flavio di Brito dancers.

There was a fantastic auction of three bicycles donated by Decathlon store, Southampton. These raised £1200. So generous.
Fantastic evening, wonderful company.

Tuesday 24 December - Candlelit Community Carol Service – Eastleigh Baptist Church

This was a very enjoyable Carol Service. The church was full, even the upstairs gallery was in use. I was met by Toby Dodson, Community Minister, who introduced the service and had arranged for it to flow through without the need for introductions. The music was provided by congregation members, they have guitars, keyboard, drums and I do believe I could hear a pair of long drums.

Well the service started and the congregation erupted as one and I swear the roof rattled. Without doubt, this was the loudest carol service of the season! The congregation were clearly having a ball, and the readings, poems, and spoken word parts made for a delightful evening.

Afterwards I was thrilled to be able to meet some of the congregation and many of those that took an active part in the service. Thank you to everyone there for making me so welcome, and especially for the attention of Toby who made sure I was given refreshments and for the tour of the ground floor of the church.

I was especially pleased to meet the Street Pastors as I left. They are formed from several church congregations and use the Baptist Church in Eastleigh as a base. They explained their mission and extended an invitation for myself and the Mayoress to join them for an evening. Which I gratefully accepted.

Sunday 22 December – Civic Carol Service – St Edward’s Church, Netley

The Civic Carol service was held in Netley and led by my Chaplain, Reverend Hayley Richens. This was a very traditional service and was well attended by local parishioners and civic guests.

The carols and readings focused thoughts on the reason we were there and the meaning of the service. Once again the quality of the readers in this Parish was astounding, they all read the passages as if they were relating them for the first time. It all added up to a very moving service.

Reverend Hayley delivered a very entertaining sermon, I should be getting used the her very special style, but she catches me out every time. Thank you Hayley, you make it memorable and such fun.

After the service we enjoyed mice pies and a small drink which rounded the evening off nicely.

Saturday 21 December - Eastleigh Community Garden Christmas Party

The Eastleigh Community Garden is an oasis in the centre of Eastleigh. It was once a semi abandoned recreation area that was so overgrown that no one was using it. So, enter Tina Campbell and a band of volunteers and hey presto, we have a community garden. Now several years on the garden is established and provides a great way for the local community to meet and enjoy casual chat whist in a neutral and friendly location.

The Garden has been assisted and supported by The Salvation Army and Eastleigh Lions throughout the years and more recently by Men’s Shed. Men’s Shed have provided practical help by constructing raised beds, erecting sheds and shelters and generally assisting with heavy lifting and odd jobs.

Whilst there I was asked to select the winner of a competition to produce an upcycled Christmas decoration. This was hard, the entries were all really cleverly made and the inspiration for the decorations extremely good. I did manage to select one eventually, a beautiful wreath made from old school uniform dresses, so we had a mixture of red and white, and green and white strips tied to look like leaves. Brilliant!

We concluded with a some carols led by the Salvation Army and were them welcomed inside the Salvation Army hall to meet and chat with everyone away from the cold.

Tuesday 17 December - Brendoncare Otterbourne Hill Salvation Army Singing

This was a lovely event, residents were wonderfully led through a variety of Christmas carols, and goodness they were loud! I was expecting that the majority of the noise would be from the Salvation Army, but not so, I couldn’t hear them at all over the residents. This was a terrific event that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

The Salvation Army, led by Major Adrian Maddon, took the event beyond the usual singing of carols by including a song that was accompanied by tambourines, and another that features Pom-Poms, This to the Wizzard song, “ I wish it could be Christmas everyday”.

With 60 or so residents present the area was full and everyone was having great fun.

Sunday 15 December – Eastleigh Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club Christmas Dinner – Katarina’s, High Street, Eastleigh

This was a lovely relaxed event. We had the opportunity to meet many of the friends we have made during the year.

Katarina’s once again provided an excellent venue and meal. As this was a social event, speeches were at a minimum and the event was all about having a good time with friends from within the Armed Forces Veterans Community.

Sadly we had a prior engagement which required that we leave early.

Saturday 14 December – Eastleigh Gurkha and Nepalese Association (EGNA) AGM

Eastleigh Gurkha Nepalese Association AGM was a real eye opener, who knew that this small group were able to achieve so much. The Chairman, Kamal Purja, told us about their increasing membership and how they made a substantial donation to the relief fuds following the earthquake in Nepal in 2023. They organised a Climate Change Workshop which was well attended by local groups and residents and resulted in a donations of £1,500.

The work at the EGNA farm resulted in a grant from the NHS to promote healthy eating. The Chairman was able to tell us fresh vegetables were given to the Eastleigh Food Bank in September.

October included volunteering at the AWCA Community Meal (reported separately), a superb event in Eastleigh Town Centre.
November saw the Eastleigh Gurkha Association parade their own standard at the Remembrance service in Eastleigh. This is the only Gurkha standard in the UK.

This group is a credit to Eastleigh. They seek to help anyone that they can. This is not a new idea, it reflects the values of the Nepalese community and Gurkha veterans.

Saturday 14 December – Browsholme Close Christmas Party

This is the second time I was able to attend this function, this is a superb family event that propels us into the spirit of Christmas. The residents of the close have decorated not just their own front gardens but also the street, with lights, bunting, festive displays and music.

The event raised money for Shakespeare School and was a huge success with hundreds of people attending. Thank you to everyone that came along and supported the event. The organisers have once again excelled and continue to inspire the close to improve on the previous year.

This year was particularly difficult because we had two winter storms that damaged the lights, you have to admire the “won’t be beaten attitude”. Well done Browsholme Close!

Next year you can not only all visit on the day, but throughout December, well worth a visit.

Saturday 7 December – Chandler’s Ford Craft and Produce Market – Brownhill Centre, Chandler’s Ford

An indoor market is such a good idea in December. Steve and Diane Allen work very hard to organise this market. Tucked inside the Brownhill Centre, located just behind the Co-op, it is a surprisingly spacious hall that is used to great effect.

The stalls are all taken and they have a variety of traders selling all manner of items - this is a market that is well worth visiting. We spent nearly two hours there, it takes that long to look around, and we were amazed at the skill and artistry of the crafters that offer their wares. If you would like to have a stall contact [email protected]

Friday 6 December – The Snow Queen Pantomime by Hamble Players

What can I say about this pantomime. The script was a loose parallel of the story you might know. It was so good, it was absolutely hilarious. Without doubt it was the funniest play we have seen for a long time. It was performed by the Hamble Players. It was topical, and included politics, climate change and LGBT references, but all done with the gentlest of touches that left everyone in stitches. The cast had to wait on occasions for the audience to compose themselves.

Directed by Sheila Barker,with Catherine Barker as Assistant Director this was a huge success. The storyline did take us to places that don’t appear in the traditional version but this opened up the plot to some of the funniest moments. The Players were supported by some beautiful dancing by the Roynon Dance School brilliantly choreographed by Nicky Vincent. Also by Sing4fun choir who acted as the chorus delivering wonderful vocals from behind the scenes. It is no wonder that the five performances were a sellout. Part of the proceeds are being given to Parkinson’s UK charity.

Can’t wait see what they dream up next. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

You can find out more about Hamble Players at

Thursday 5 December – Boyatt Wood Christmas Event

This is an annual event organised by Wendy Cummins, who also runs Quiffy’s Hairdresser. The event takes place under the cover of the shop frontage. There was a Santa’s grotto with presents for all the children that attended and any number of crafting, charity and commercial stalls to temp folks. The event attracted hundreds of people. This was a huge success and a testament to the hard work put into organising the event this year and in previous years. The community are so lucky to have someone like her who is willing to put in the effort on behalf of the community.Wendy set up a raffle to raise funds for Eastleigh Basics Bank, an organisation that offers support and help to those finding it hard to balance their budget. A great choice of beneficiary.

Also thanks to Councillor Tanya Park who supported the event with a Hampshire County Council grant.

Monday 2 December - Eastleigh Area Schools Orchestra (EASO) Winter Concert – Thornden Hall

We were thrilled to be invited to this event. There were three orchestras and a guitar ensemble. Together they performed a variety of popular numbers. Now some of the players were performing in their first concert. You would be hard pressed to know which they were until they stood up to make themselves known.

At the interval we were able to meet some of the organisers including Shaun Riches, Head of Hampshire Music Services. The music teachers do an amazing job of teaching the individuals and then the collectives as orchestras or group.
It was especially good to see one of the musicians take the next step on his journey within the orchestra as he took the baton and conducted one of the orchestras.

This was a fabulous concert, and performed by those who are supposed to be improvers. Well, all we can say is they are amazing now so can’t wait to see what they do next year.

Thursday 29 Nov – Youth Options Exhibition: Caramel Biscuits For Life – Energy Youth Centre 

This was a fascinating exhibition of photos. Now normally we might find a photo exhibition interesting to view but these photos were so much more than that. In this case the photos were taken by youngsters and annotated with words that they felt described their feelings.

Youth Options is led by Madeleine Durie, she with her team gladly accepted the offer from Tamsyn Warde who had come up with this inspired idea that resulted with some talented youngsters to do some really introspective sole searching and share the their inner feelings by using art.

This was entirely voluntary, and was a significant commitment of time whilst in the process of studying for a degree.The project was planned for eight weeks. It soon became clear that there was something important happening and the time line grew into many months. At each session they would be discussing a different topic and then the youngsters were given disposable cameras to take home and asked to snap a picture of things that related to the topic from their perspective.

It was clear that most started this project as kids, they finished as young adults, very much more self-aware and comfortable with themselves. I do believe that this project gave direction to at least one who is wanting to pursue a career in photography and another that unlocked a hidden artistic talent.

Can’t thank Tamsyn enough for her time, and congratulations to Madeleine and her team for enabling the project, and all the trustees led by Peter North, that helped make this and all the other activities happen. So worthwhile.

If you wish to make a donation to help fund more work with the youth follow this link.

Saturday 23 November – Bryan Wardell’s 103rd Birthday

Bryan is one of last of his generation; he acted as flight engineer during WW2 on Lancaster bombers. He came through the conflict and has always felt blessed to have done so. We met him on the occasion of his 103rd birthday. You would never think he is anything like that age. Bryan told me about some of his experiences and more recently, the visit of the Lancaster to Southampton Airport.

Whilst there he made a surprise visit to see the plane and was treated like a VIP when the crew arrived to see him. They were scrambled from their hotel after receiving news of his visit.

The crew got him into the airplane and then proceeded to drill him with questions about what certain controls did, and he was able to answer all their questions and even explain how he could use the engineer’s controls in total darkness.

Following the service in Bomber Command, he became a test pilot based at Boscombe Down. He lived locally and there he laid down years of happy memories with his wife and family. We really enjoyed our time with him and his fellow residents - thanks for the invite.

Thursday 21 November – Hedge End Christmas Lights Switch On

We were delighted to be invited to help switch on the Christmas lights in Hedge End. The night was bitterly cold but that did not stop most of Hedge End turning up to the event. There was dozens of traders selling food and Christmas gifts or things to do for amusement. We were greeted by James Mitchell, Chairman of Hedge End Town Council, the Town Council were responsible for organising the event and had done a superb job.

There must have been a thousand people at the event, the traders all seemed to be doing a roaring trade.

The time came to switch the lights on and we were joined on the bandstand by some of the cast of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs from the Performing Arts Company, together we followed the count down and at 6pm we all pressed the button and all lights were energised.

Saturday 16 November – Christmas in Eastleigh

This was a fun day. We started at 1pm and our first task was to judge the Eastleigh BID Christmas Window competition. The displays were all really good but there has to be a winner and after much consideration we awarded first place to The Flower Shop with the runner-up prize going to Dolly Rockers Hair Salon. Both had brilliant displays. Take a trip to Eastleigh to see them all.

We then spent some time visiting the many stalls along the town centre streets. The streets were packed with people enjoying the festive spirit. Wells Place was treated to music from Panatical. This is a steel band made up from current and past students of Crestwood School. We had to stop and listen, they were brilliant.

We were able to meet many friends as we walked round the town centre, we of course took time to congratulate the BID team who organised the town centre part of the event, and to Dream Empire who organised the Leigh Road Market. We have rarely seen so many people in Eastleigh, this is certainly the way to regenerate the commercial centre.

The highlight of the event was to turn the Christmas lights on. This we did at 6pm. We assembled on the bandstand with Santa, Cinderella and Compere, Ian Maddock. The event was very exciting and between us we did manage to turn the lights on at the correct time, and if that wasn’t enough we had a brilliant firework display to round the day off. The crowd was huge, we estimated it to be about ten-thousand people.

Well done to all involved and to the Eastleigh Borough Council officers that organised this huge success.

Monday 11 November – Armistice Day – Eastleigh War Memorial

Armistice Day was marked in the traditional way. Reverend Iain McFarlane lead us in Prayers of thanks to those who gave their lives in service to their country since 1914.

It was a very poignant moment as we reach 11.00 am and the last post sounded. The Recreation Ground had several members of the public walking dogs and making their way to and from the shops, and we could see pedestrians in Romsey Road. They all stopped and stood for the whole two minutes, not one of them broke the spell, it was a very emotional thing to witness.

Saturday 9 November – Twinning events and Charity Concert ​

Saturday 9 November saw the start of the main twinning events.

We were entertaining the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France and Deputy Mayor of Kornwestheim, Germany. We commenced in a traditional way by entertaining them to a breakfast gathering at the Concorde Club. Here we presented our guests with gifts to mark their stay with us. We selected art for the Mayor of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges and Deputy Mayor of Kornwestheim. A beautiful cottage created by a local artist Par Martin - book-folding can create the most amazing things. These cottages were exquisite. For the Deputy Mayor of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges we selected a pen, made in Chandler's Ford by Arthur Barton-Hide; we also included a bottle of English sparkling wine from Hambledon.

From there we had arranged to take them to see the Mary Rose, something that certainly pleased them. The exhibition centre has been very much improved and is worth a visit if you haven’t been recently. The revelation that the British ship was manned by a crew drawn from Britain, all over Europe, and even north Africa was a surprise to us all. There was so much to see that we couldn’t see it all in detail before we had to move on.

We moved on to the Thornden Hall to enjoy the Mayor’s Charity Concert. The concert was a huge success - we had organised a variety of entertainment, all local community acts. The acts were all absolutely superb, and we were having so much fun we over-ran by an hour - sorry if you were someone waiting for a performer!

The concert featured Romsey Male Voice Choir, Blue Butterfly Studios, Riverside Concert Band, George Wilson and my charity appeal beneficiaries: Centrestage Productions Youth Theatre and Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society. We had silk dance, songs from shows, street dance, live Concert band, ballet, expressive dance, cheerleader, tap dance, folk singer, contemporary dance, and a male voice choir. Many thanks to the Romsey Choir for allowing me to join them on stage.

Our visiting Mayors from Kornwestheim and Villeneuve-Saint-Georges were full of praise for the performers and the event. A superb way to showcase Eastleigh talent.

Friday 8 November – Rotary Club of Eastleigh 75th Anniversary Dinner – Holiday Inn Eastleigh

This event commenced the hosting of our twinning representatives. The Rotary Club of Eastleigh kindly invited both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges in France, to accompany us to their celebration.

The evening started with drinks and a chance to meet some of the Rotarians, both local and visiting guests. The evening was very pleasant, the food was magnificent and the company delightful, there were some speeches to mark the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Rotary Club.

We are very grateful to have been invited to the evening, I know the French guests were complimentary towards the meal, selection of wine, and the ambiance of the evening.

Thursday 7 November – Funeral of June Sanders – Wessex Vale Crematorium

I represented Eastleigh Borough Council at the funeral of June Sanders, former Councillor and Mayor who died in October.

June was a Fair Oak Councillor in 1976-1982 and a Hedge End Councillor in 1983-1987. She was Mayor of Eastleigh in 1986-87 and was also Mayoress when her husband Joe was Mayor in 1977-78.

The service was very moving and the eulogy was touching with some personal family stories shared with those gathered.

Saturday 2 November – Remembrance Service – Wessex Vale Crematorium

The Mayoress and I were pleased to be invited to the Wessex Vale Service of Remembrance. There were several members of the Royal British Legion present and many people who were attending to remember loved ones.

The service was led by the Reverend Iain McFarlane, The Eastleigh, Chandlers Ford, and District Branch Padre.
During the service there was time to reflect on the suffering and sacrifice of the many service men and women that have fought for our freedom and liberties over the years.

We were treated to a reading of “In Flanders Fields” by Lisa Johnson, who was the organiser of the event, and further readings by Michael Henstredge and Helen Craddock.

Huge thankyou to Lisa and Celebrant, the operator of Wessex Vale, for their time spent organising and catering for the event.
Catering, oh yes, there were snacks and a hot drink after the service and we were able to have a chat with those present.


Wednesday 6 November – Laying First Crosses –  War Memorial, Eastleigh

This was a very moving service lead by Reverend Iain McFarlane, Padre to Royal British Legion, Eastleigh, Chandler’s Ford and District branch and attended by schools from across Eastleigh. Pupils from Cherbourg, The Crescent, Crestwood, Deer Park, Hamble, Wildern, and The Bridge schools attended. They all planted a cross to remember a fallen hero.

The Last Post was played by Theo Williams from 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band.

In the days leading up to the remembrance services some vandals decided to rip down the poppy decorations on the bandstand. After laying their crosses the children and young people attending the service all tied knitted poppies to the bandstand. This turned disrespectful vandalism into an event that united the community in the most focused act of remembrance. This was only possible thanks to Rose Timms from the branch and the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club getting the poppies ready the night before.
After the service we retired to The Point for a warm drink and a chance to meet some of the attendees.

3 November – All Souls Service – St Edward’s Church, Netley

This was a very moving but warm service delivered by my Chaplain, Reverend Hayley Richens.

The service seemed to fly past as the readings were delivered with such sincerity that we hung on every word. We were invited to light a candle to remember loved ones.

After the service we joined everyone for a light refreshments where we were able to chat with most of them.

Thursday 31 October – AWCA Community Meal – Eastleigh Town Centre

This was an amazing visit. The AWCA, (Asian Welfare Community Assoc) fed nearly 400 people with a hot meal.

Myself and the Mayoress arrived and were greeted by Sapna Singh – AWCA Committee Secretary, and some helpers who’s names I foolishly did not jot down. We were immediately ushered into a queue for food, I had chicken curry with dahl. It was wonderful, spicy, but not overly so. The visitors were all digging in which proves, if proof were needed, that the food was good.

The Eastleigh Rotary Club were manning the clear up cart. That involved taking the plates across the recreation ground to Age Concern where a team of Rotary members were busy washing up all the plates and sending them back to the gazebo where the food was being served.

Having finished my lunch, I put on an apron and gloves and proceeded to serve food to anyone that arrived. Well the Mayor should serve the public!

This was a wonderfully generous gesture for AWCA to make, and adds to the feeling of friendship that is found in Eastleigh.

Sunday 27 October – Poppy Proms: Festival of Remembrance – The Point, Eastleigh

The Festival of Remembrance featured a very moving service to commemorate those that have fallen in service in the defence of our freedom and liberty. The service was attended by dignitaries from Hampshire.

  • Hugo Cubitt (Deputy Lieutenant) and Onalee Cubitt
  • James Strachan (Chief Executive) and Jessie Newitt
  • Cllr James Baillie (Sheriff of Southampton and Rebecca Baillie (Consort)
  • Cllr Dan Putty and Marie Noelle (Mayor and Mayoress of Basingstoke)
  • Cllr Pete Wade & Janet Wade (Mayor and Mayoress of Havant)
  • Cllr David Hawkins (Chairman of New Forest)
  • Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith (Mayor of Winchester)
  • Cllr Catherine Clark and Cllr Linda Delve (Chairman and Consort of East Hants)
  • Cllr Dermot Smith & Sandra Smith (Chairman and Chairman’s Lady of Hart)
  • Tim Russell (Royal British Legion County Chairman) and April Russell

The service was opened by Lieutenant Colonel Steve Little as he welcomed all attendees, We were then lead through a moving service by Reverend Iain McFarlane.

After the formal part of the service we treated to some French songs sung by Muriele, She was as always, superb and very entertaining.

We then had a brief interval where we had a chance to meet guests before we took our seats and were then treated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Band Directed by Gregg Walker playing popular 1940 songs to which the audience were invited to sing along to. Along with some rousing familiar marches along with traditional favourites, Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia.

We finished with a flourish, Lieutenant Colonel Little thanked everyone for attending and then did the unexpected, He turned to Muriele, dropped to his knee and proposed. She was very quick to accept the proposal and the couple fell into each other’s arms.

Saturday 26 October – Halloween Street Party – Browsholme Close, Boyatt Wood

The Mayoress and I were thrilled to be invited to the Browsholme Close Halloween Street Party. Once again the residents had produced a fabulous event. There were some really gruesome displays along with some really imaginative themed gardens. There were hundreds of visitors there, most dressed in Halloween costumes.

The residents, led by Helen and Jamie, once again absolutely smashed it. This was a spectacular success and the visitors were again treated to a dance bomb by some of the residents to the music of Thriller. This has to be one of the friendliest closes in Eastleigh. They work together to plan and deliver a community event that is entirely free to all visitors with all donations given to Shakespeare School.

Now Christmas is coming, and Jamie will be planning the Browsholme Close Christmas celebration event. You definitely need to put that on your calendar. December 14th starting at 5.00pm. Once again all donations are given to charity.

24 October – His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant Awards - Lord Wandsworth College

This was an awards ceremony for the service Cadet and Reserves groups. The services recognised were the Royal Air force, Army Air Corps, Royal Navy, The Army, and Hampshire Police.

Awards were given to adult organisers as well as to cadets that have excelled in the attainment of new skills or examples of leadership and initiative.

The Reserves play an important part of the services and we were treated some explanations of why individuals were singled out for recognition.

The Lord Lieutenant also gave special awards the some Cadets that have had their exceptional performance recognised and appointed as the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets. This will mean they spend the next year working with the Lord Lieutenant.

Monday 21 October – Schoolympics Visit – Wildern School

Following aur visit to Kormwestheim, the Mayoress and I went to Wildern School to meet up with the athletes that represented Eastleigh Borough at the Schoolympics. The vast haul of medals were evidence of a very successful competition. We were able to talk to many of the athletes and it is clear that they had a wonderful time and did indeed made new friends. Wildern Schools are rightly very proud of the students that represented them, not only for their medal tally, but for the way they were able to socialise and establish friendships.

The school will now be planning the for the next Schoolymipics in 2028. The community needs to encourage other Eastleigh Borough schools to take part.

Friday 18 October – Eastleigh Lions’s 60th Anniversary Charter Dinner – Fleming Park Bowls Club

We were delighted to be invited to such an important occasion. We were met by the Eastleigh Lions Chairman, Tina Campbell. Whilst there we heard of some of the terrific things they have done over the years, collecting old spectacles and sending them to onto needy areas, funding trips for young carers, raising awareness for World Sight Day, promotion of prostrate screening, and raising money for more charities than I could name in this report.

Whilst at the event we met international representatives from Kornwesthiem (Germany) and Rouen (France), who had travelled to join with Eastleigh to celebrate their 60th anniversary of the granting of the Lions Charter.

We also had the pleasure of meeting some of the family of Devan Kandiah, he was a huge figure in the Lions and indeed in Eastleigh. His legacy will live on for many years. I met and had the opportunity to talk to his widow, Bridget and son Andrew, both of who miss Devan hugely but are so proud that he is held in such high estimation by so many people.

After a splendid festive board, we were treated to live music and all present descended on to the dance floor where we were able to join in the singing and dancing.

Fabulous evening spent in delightful company.

If you would like to find out more about the Lions follow this link, Eastleigh Lions – Serving the Community , they  are always delighted to welcome new members.

Friday 18 October – Stop Domestic Abuse AGM – King’s Community Church – Deputy Mayor, Councillor Janice Asman

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Stop Domestic Abuse, the commissioned service provider dedicated to supporting domestic abuse survivors across Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton.  It was an insightful meeting, showcasing the vital work being done to empower survivors and the dedication of the organisation to its mission.

The Chair, Gill Butler, delivered a compelling report.  She emphasised the organisation’s unwavering commitment to empowering those affected by domestic abuse, by providing them with crucial choices and resources to secure safety and build a future free from abuse.  Her words highlighted the importance of survivor-centered support and the range of services available to help individuals to rebuild their lives.

Claire Lambon, the Chief Executive Officer, in her report celebrated another year of organisational growth and development of Stop Domestic Abuse and the range of services being offered to victims, survivors and perpetrators of domestic abuse.

It was a pleasure to be able to speak to several members of staff who showed true commitment and enthusiasm for the organisation’s work.

Saturday 12 October – Pumpkin Festival – Leigh Road Recreation Ground, Eastleigh

The second year of the Eastleigh Pumpkin Festival, it was busier and with more stalls than the year before.  This year we had a DJ who acted as master of ceremonies when it was time to judge the fancy dress, and the pumpkin judging.

This was another success for Dream Empire Events. Their new Thursday market and all the special events that they run are certainly helping to regenerate the town centre.

The fancy dress entries were all very good, some were quite scary! The great British weather was uncooperative at judging time but no one seemed to mind, the prizes were awarded and there was smiles all round.

Saturday 12 October – Eastleigh Community Showcase – Pavilion on the Park

Community First held this superb event that was designed to allow the many voluntary support agencies and organisations could make meaningful contact with the other agencies so that they can offer advice and direction or even referral.

Tim Houghton, the CEO of Community First made a welcoming address that introduced the event as the first of what he hopes will be many.

There was entertainment by several groups, we were entertained at the start by Multi Sports Club. This is a club for adults with learning or physical disabilities. Under the direction of dance teacher Chloe, they performed 4 quite complex routines. The pity is that Chloe is moving to Edinburgh so if you are a dance teacher that would like to help they would be thrilled to hear from you.

We were the treated to music from a flautissimo, this is a flute group that entertained us as we met every group at the event. There was also a local group of baton twirlers, they were quite young but amazingly good, no dropped batons and intricate routines.

Saturday 12 October – Boorley Green Community Centre Coffee Shop Opening – Deputy Mayor

A visit to Boorley Green and the opportunity to see the Community Centre and the new Coffee Shop set up by business partners Alec Smith and Suzanne Williams, owners of Partners in Coffee. Their aim is to bring the community good quality coffee with local produce. The  space will also be available to hire for functions, host community events and will act as a place for people to work and relax.

I had an excellent cup of coffee and watched the crowd gathering to see the ribbon cutting.  I was asked to perform this task which I had much honour and pleasure in doing.  The queue for coffee was now reaching out the door and onto the pavement.  A good start for this new venture.

Thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome and very best wishes for the Coffee Shop’s success in the future.

Friday 11 October – Citizen’s Advice Decorating – Leigh Road, Eastleigh

I was invited to meet Bella Crawford and her team of volunteers that were redecorating the Citizens Advice offices in Leigh Rd Eastleigh. Now the first thing I notice is that all the offices have had the furniture removed. The Carpet was gone, but as I was there just after lunch, all the walls had been given a first coat of paint. The paint had been donated by Brewers and B&Q provided all the equipment.

Not only that but B&Q had allowed staff to volunteer to do the redecoration. Eastleigh Borough Council also allowed some staff to help and together with local volunteers from the community, the offices were painted in a day.

New flooring is due early the next week and the job will be done. What organisation, and what generosity from B&Q and Brewers.​

Sunday 6 October – Harvest Festival – Winchester Cathedral

The Mayoress and I represented Eastleigh at the Harvest Eucharist service held in Winchester Cathedral.

The service was very traditional except that we were all given the chance to donate to the local food bank. The congregation certainly added to the food bank stock as bag after bag was donated, I think we all bought a bag of goodies!

There after the service proceeded as would be expected and upon conclusion we were all invited to join the clergy for coffee and biscuits.

Thursday 4 October – Re-launch of Eastleigh Market

The Mayoress and I were delighted to be asked to formally open the re-launch of the Eastleigh market. The market is held on the pedestrianised part of Leigh Rd. There were stalls along the length of the precinct and around the paved area at the end.

The market was full of delighted shoppers and trade was brisk. There will be even more stalls next month. The Market will run on the first Thursday each month. And if that were not good enough, they are offering two free pitches to local community groups.

This another huge success by Dream Empire Events. Well done Sarah and Steph, this is certainly helping to regenerate the town centre commerce.

Saturday 28 September – Visit to Stan Rickeard

What a pleasure it was for the Mayoress and I to meet and listen to Stan. He is an amazing host who is a very young 99 year old. His cheeky personality came shining through along with his humility. He is of course, a war hero. Says it was nothing really, but then he lets on he helmed a tank landing craft making many trips to and from the beach. Most will know that they were the prime target to try to prevent the tanks from landing.

But Stan’s life was more about his peace time, he trained as in electronics and part of his legacy is that he designed instrument panels for Concorde! Soon after being demobbed, he met and married his wife whom he spend over 70 happy years before she sadly passed away last year.

Stan has had the highlights of his life recoded into a book. A modest and unassuming hero that lived a full and happy life. What a privilege to meet him.

We will return to have afternoon tea with him.

Saturday 28 September – Peninsular Sounds – Abbey Hall, Netley

This was an unusual but fascinating event. An art project has been completed that recorded sounds of Hamble, both on land and under water. They have recorded the sounds of modern day. Voices, machinery, roads, church bells and wildlife. Imagine what we would do with a sound archive from mid Victorian era. What would we hear?

One of the artists also collected local songs and poems and has preserved them by making an album which is available to down load. Rough-Music by Jennifer Reid.

The underwater may have a second use in assessing the environmental health of sea as the aquatic life make there own distinct sounds, fish bark, crustations click and tap, and oysters make a distinct tapping noise. The more noise, the more life.

This was a project funded by developers contributions with the funding ring fenced for the arts. This is an interesting project that, but for the funding restrictions, would probably not have taken place.

Wednesday 25 September - Schoolympics: The Friendship Games

The Schoolympics are a fascinating sports event with participants from all over the world. Almost everybody knows the term “Olympic Spirit” and the famous sentence “The important thing is not to win, but to take part”. The goal is not to fight against each other but come together to make new friends.

These games saw schools from Germany, Spain, France, India, and United Kingdom. They are held every 4 years just after the main Olympics.

In these games there is no medal table. There is an award for the team that demonstrate the best international comradery and friendship.

For us, the Mayor and Mayoress of Eastleigh, it started by attending a reception where we met the Mayors from Korwestheim, our German Hosts, and Villeneuve St. George, along with the competitors from each of the seven competing schools. Eastleigh were represented by a single school, Wildern School, from Hedge End.

The first order of the day was to choose a language, every body knew English, so that was sorted quickly. Then each competitor was given a bag with specially printed T shirts and hat along with some other goodies.

The Mayors then left the athletes to find their host families and we were treated to a German themed evening meal at Hotel Hasam where we discussed common challenges faced by all of us.

The next day we attended the opening ceremony, The stadium filled with kids, about 1500 of them and the athletes paraded on each to there own national anthem. There followed entertainment performed by other students. We had music, song, dance, and gymnastics. The ceremony concluded with a torch lighting relay and the singing of the Schoolympic anthem.

We were able to meet the Wildern team and cheer them on as they raced in the early sprints which saw some successes. The Mayoress was able to talk to some of the Wildern girls and was introduced to host family competitors. They were thoroughly enjoying the experience

With that our participation ended, but before we left Kornwestheim we were able to visit Eastleighplatz, This a little slice of Eastleigh in Germany, they have a post box, that they use for mail, and a telephone box that is used as a library. We that ended our visit to Kornwestheim and we said farewell to our hosts and French friends.

Friday 20 September – “Frankenstein” by Bishopstoke Players – Durley Hall

The Mayoress and I were enthralled by the drama of the play “Frankenstein”.

This period play was superbly performed and the make-up applied to Frankenstein was brilliant. It took over an hour to apply and included papier-mâché. But the finished effect was worth every minute of the time.

This was thoroughly enjoyable evening with all proceeds going to “Action for Children” a charity that the Bishopstoke players have been supporting continuously since 1947.

They will soon be starting on their Christmas Pantomime. I recommend that you get you tickets early as this sure to be real hoot. I am certainly going to take my grandsons.

Sunday 15 September 2024 - Centenary Service, Hedge End Methodist Church, Hedge End - Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress

A genuinely warm welcome was given to us by the Reverend John Hughes and his wife, even though they were trying to resolve a mini-crisis relating to the streaming of the service. All was resolved, for the time being by going back to the good old-fashioned way of having Hymn Books. The beautiful service gave much cause for reflection and was enhanced by the music provided by the organist, who has been playing for the Church for almost fifty years. The guest preacher was Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Michaela Young whose sermon gave much food for thought.

After the service we were able to view the photographic exhibition and mingle with some of the congregation while enjoying a cup of coffee. We learned of the work carried out by the Church in the community and its support given to various charities as well as local schools and food banks. Recently the Church has gained an A Rocha Eco Church Silver award for their efforts to care for the community.

Since the late 1850s there has been a congregation of Methodists worshipping in Hedge End and three buildings have been used during the years. The present Church was constructed in 1923-4 and designed to seat 250 people, built at a cost of approximately £6,000.

Many thanks to you all for your warmth and hospitality.

Sunday 15 September – The Concorde Classic Car Show – The Concorde Club

The Mayoress and I attended last year as Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress and we were so pleased to be asked back. This year was even better than last year. We were delighted to officially open the show and then tour the exhibits. There was something for everyone, cars from 1925 right up to 2024. There were classic family cars from yesteryear, customised cars, exhibition cars, even classic daily driver, and if that wasn’t enough, you could book a supercar ride of a life time. Experience the thrill of riding in ground hugging, large engined, stylised super cars with tuned exhaust note bellowing out. This was a huge success again by Eastleigh Rotary Club. We visited most of the cars and were very impressed with the standard of entries.

All proceeds are in aid of “Jacks Place” a hospice for teenagers and part of “Naomi House”.

I hope we’re invited again!

Saturday 13 September – Eastleigh Pride

This was a spectacular event. We started with a parade through the town centre and lead the parade to the recreation ground whilst confetti cannons were used to great effect. The recreation ground was the centre of the event, with more traders and charity stands that could be listed. We met some of the performers as they visited some of the many stalls around the show. The stage featured entertainment throughout the event.

One group of interesting looking folks that we met were “Hampshire Cosplay for Charity”, they were dressed as characters. They were, Jedi Knight and Councillor, Pink Angel, Startrek Commander, Niko Maid Hatsune Miku, and Snow White. See photo. They were there having fun and raising money for the Pride charity. I was seriously under dressed in my Mayoral robes when compared with this group.

My thanks to Dannon, the driving force of Eastleigh Pride. His vision has changed Eastleigh. I am so proud that the event is enjoyed by so many.

Dannon and his team once again delivered a fantastic event that provided brilliant family fun and entertainment.

Saturday 13 September – Chandler’s Ford Art Group – Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church

Well this was an incredible evening. Adebanji Alade is a Nigerian born artist of huge talent. His skill is quite breath taking. The evening was a two hour demonstration of how to paint a portrait of our volunteer model Tom. Adebanji gave a constant commentary on his preferred method and starting with a sketch he quickly made an outline of a head and he began to add detail. He then started to add a little shading and the sketch quickly became a perfect image of Tom. With only 30 mins passed, the sketch was complete and looked absolutely brilliant.

Then Adebanji began adding paint, very quickly the sketch began to change to a painting. But as I sat there I thought he had lost the likeness. What do I know! After an hour of adding paint as he explained his technique, he started adding the light tones and suddenly we had Tom appear on the canvas again.

Adebanji Alade then very generously donated the portrait, plus one had painted during the day, to be auctioned in aid of my charity appeal.

Our thanks to the Chandlers Ford Art Group for adopting my charity appeal for 2024, and for the exit collection which raised nearly £100.

Friday 12 September – South Coast Rowing Championship – Royal Victoria Country Park

This was a fascinating event. We were made very welcome and were able to meet some of the organisers who had done a wonderful job. The rowing event is the pinnacle event of the rowing season. Teams from all over the south coast compete to qualify to compete.

The event is not just for the young super fit rowers, there are senior and veteran events for both ladies and men.
I was able to address the room and welcome them to Eastleigh borough, I was able to point out the original purpose of the chapel and that 80 years ago to the day it was full of American casualties from Operation Overlord.

On the night there were special awards for some of the long serving members of the organising committee which I had the pleasure to hand out.

After the draw for the weekend events we were able to meet some of the teams and all of whom were looking forward to their events.

Wednesday 11 September 2024 – Showcasing Test Valley – Hawk Conservancy Trust

We were invited to a Test valley Show Case event at the Andover Hawk Conservancy. The visit included a talk on the history of the place and background of the work they have done and the plans for the future.

We were privileged to see some of the rare birds and have their life background explained. The Centre plays a major role in preserving endangered breeds and tending to injured or sick birds of prey.

Our visit finished with a magnificent display of flying owls. The special thing about owl flight is that they are silent in flight. They flew from post to post and through the crowd without ever seeming to need to adjust their glide path.

Well worth a visit.

Tuesday 10 September 2024 - Rawlings Opticians 40 Years in Chandler’s Ford – Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress

It was a great pleasure to visit Rawlings Opticians to help them celebrate their 40 years in Chandler's Ford. They are an independent company founded in Croydon in 1895 and to this day members of the Rawlings family remain in the business. We were indeed privileged to meet the present Managing Director, Richard Rawling. The company serve the communities of nine towns in Hampshire and Surrey.

The loyalty shown to the practice by members of the staff was outstanding. A number of them had been employed there for many years and one for 40 years in Chandler's Ford plus 9 years in another of the branches. The longest serving members of staff were presented with beautiful bouquets. It is a tribute to them that the company received the prestigious Investors In People award.

We were able to chat with some of the patients who could not speak highly enough of the individual attention and service they receive. Among the guests, was a member of the Charity Southampton Sight, along with his support dog. This is a Charity which Rawlings support.

Refreshments were enjoyed by all and I was very pleased to be able to cut the celebration cake. Thanks to all at Chandler's Ford for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Tuesday 10 September 2024 – Institution and Installation of The Reverend Duncan Hollands – St Boniface Church, Chandler’s Ford

This was an event that we had never seen before. It was an absolute privilege to meet and witness the ceremony. The church was packed. The Revd. Duncan Hollands was calm and collected through the entire evening. The ceremony was performed by the very Rev’d Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Winchester.

Revd Hollands joins us from Plymouth and a number of close friends joined us in Chandlers Ford to celebrate his appointment and help us to welcome him to his new home. He joins us with his wife, Beckie, and his 4 your boys.

The evening ended with refreshments and a chance to meet everyone and offer our personal welcome and congratulations.

Sunday 8 September 2024 – Heart and Music Charity Cabaret – The Point

What a wonderful evening of pure entertainment, music, dance and song. The evening seemed to flash past as the performers came and went in a seamless way, all choreographed by Spot on Productions, Parkewood Youth Dance Company, and Pin Point Productions. All absolutely amazing.

The evening was a fundraiser for Heartbeat, this is a charity that provide emergency accommodation to relatives of cardiac patients undergoing emergency treatment at Southampton General Cardiac Unit in Heartbeat House. This is a 23 room house right next to the hospital that allows families to stay there and avoid the cost of hotels or daily travel. This is especially valuable to those that are visitors to the area. The proximity of the cruise terminal has meant that casualties have been taken to Southampton Hospital and the partner left on a cruise liner in a state of distress. Heartbeat have been able to come to the rescue and ease one worry and so aid a distress family.

Saturday 8 September - Astrabody Open Day – Hursley Road, Chandler’s Ford

The Mayoress and I had a delightful afternoon at the Astrabody studio. This is a new type of fitness solution. Whilst I am not an expert on fitness, the first machines looked like space age technology, or something from a formula 1 race team - very high tech. You get in and lace feet to pedals and close a lid and the machine pulls a partial vacuum around the lower half of your body and you start pedalling. Seems laying down in a partial vacuum and heated to a generous 40°c you can get fit without any load bearing. All the time whilst being entertained via a screen that can access multimedia. Then there is the second chamber that has a couch and equipment that can tone muscles by passing a low voltage through them.

The Mayoress is going to try it all out. It was really nice to meet the founder, Nigel Atangana. He is a retired professional footballer, so he should know a thing or two about fitness.

Saturday 7 September 2024 – Bishopstoke Carnival

After a gap of 5 years caused by Covid, the sad death of our Queen and bad weather, the Parish Council and many helpers finally delivered another carnival and Fete.

In the parade were the Bishopstoke Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Squirrels and Bishopstoke Guides, Brownies and Rainbows. a fire engine, the Bishopstoke History Society sent Queen Victoria, plus we had a superb group of scooters and Little Wisps who won the overall award for best costumes. Once at the Fete ground, there were loads of stalls selling cakes, sweets, along with games to be played. There was even a duck race in the river. This was a real community event, well done all of you that worked so hard to make it happen.

Saturday 7 September 2024 – The Point Open Day

This was a very interesting and enjoyable morning. You might think that The Point is just a theatre, well it is so much more. I’m not going to try to emulate the tour, visit The Point and you will be amazed.

Whilst we were there we met some of the regular stall holders, I learnt that we have a very special author in our community. Anthony Ridgeway has written some children’s stories. These are unusual because they tell the story of a young boy called Dan that uses an argumentative wheelchair. These stories are exciting with suspense, humour and a bunch of surprises. You can find them for sale online. The illustrations are brilliant and add another dimension to the stories.

Friday 6 September – Boeing Boeing by Hamble Players – Hamble Memorial Hall

Well this was quite a treat. The title doesn’t give way that this was a play by the Hamble Players, well 6 of them! It was riotously funny. The plot is that a man has three fiancées, all three are air stewardesses, all working for a different airline and who’s schedules ensure they are never in the same place at the same time, well that is until fate conspires to see all three in the same flat.

This was a brilliantly produced play. The cast were brilliant and managed to convey stress and humour at the same time. A pantomime is the next production, based on this production, a pantomime will be brilliant and is a must see.

Tuesday 3 September 2024 - Hampshire Scouts - Kings Scout/Queens Guide Certificate Presentation Evening - Deputy Mayor

It was a privilege to attend this Certificate Presentation evening, along with HM Lord-Lieutenant for Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson Esq (Presenting Officer) and other guests including the Chief Constable, Scott Chilton, Chief Fire Officer, Neil Odin, County Commissioner, Hampshire Scouts , the Mayor and Mayoress of Winchester and friends and families of the recipients.

We were welcomed by our comperes, Libby Roy and Ace Merriott. Paul Bell, Lead Volunteer Hampshire Scouts then expressed congratulations to the recipients on their achievements which ultimately were about gaining skills for life so that they were enabled to shape and influence society confidently and purposefully in the future. These awards are closely linked to the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award with participants having to complete a balanced programme. The Kings Scout Award has additional challenges of participation in the Scouting Programme,more camping, being environmentally aware, adding an international dimension, as well as thinking about Scouting values.

The County Commissioners of Girl Guiding, Hampshire East, Hampshire North and Hampshire West, reminded us that in gaining the Queens Guide Award the recipients had demonstrated that they could challenge themselves and have the perseverance and commitment to achieve whatever goal they set. The award had seen them: undertake service in Guiding; embark on an outdoor challenge, develop a personal skill; involvement in local community through a community action project and attend a residential with people they had never met before.

The Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire presented Kings Scout/Queen Guide certificates to 20 recipients, (17 Kings Scouts and 3 Queens Guides). Whilst being presented with their certificates it has become customary that the young person has the privilege of wearing The Silver Elephant. This Silver Elephant was presented to Earl Mountbatten of Burma in 1948 while he was Viceroy of India,in recognition for services to the Scouts of India as their Chief Scout. Upon the death of Lord Mountbatten the Silver Elephant was presented on indefinite loan to Hampshire County Scout Council. It is held in custody by the County Commissioner of the time.

In a short address the Lord Lieutenant gave his congratulations to the recipients on having completed the five award challenges and in addition having learned about the environment, set themselves some life values and many who had volunteered in their own organisations.

Following the closure of the formal meeting some very welcome refreshments were provided and I had the opportunity to chat with some of the recipients and their guests.
All the recipients had their own stories to tell but I was overwhelmed with admiration when hearing how they had managed to achieve their certificates while carrying on full time education or in some cases full time employment. Each and everyone expressed their gratitude to their family and friends who had supported them throughout.

A truly memorable evening.

August 2024

Mayors Blog Round Up (1)

July 2024

Mayors Blog Round Up July

June 2024

Mayors Blog Round Up