Mayoral blog

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day 80th Anniversary Commemorations in Hamble

The day started with a coffee morning with a difference. The room included a display of model military aircraft and boats that were all in use during operation Neptune and Overlord. The models were provided by members of :-

Itchen Valley Flying Group
Romsey Electric Fryers
Hampshire Model Flying Association
Eastleigh and District Model Boat Club

The modelers were able to provide historic context about the models and how they were used on the day of the invasion. Among the models was a scale model of HMS Loch Fada along with artifacts from the actual ship, this ship took part as anti-submarine patrols in the Bay of Biscay throughout the period of the landings.

Local schools attended and students were able to question the modelers about the history and were amazed to find that they were all fully function radio controlled models.

We were introduced to Fiona and Helen during the morning, suitably dressed in replica uniform and selling raffle tickets. With their guidance we were delighted to join those present, and enjoy coffee and cakes.

The evening commenced with a dinner where I was delighted to make the acquaintance of Gordon Craigen, Commadore of the Royal Southern Yacht Club along with his wife and the Vice-Commadore, Matthew Richardson. Following an evening festive board, along with the Lord Lieutenant’s representative, we inspected the 14th Eastleigh Scout & Guide Band ‘The Spitfires’ as they marched past leading veterans, scouts, Army and Navy cadets who marched the full length of the Ropewalk to the Royal Southern Yacht Club.

There followed a service of remembrance lead by The Bishop of Southampton. The service included a moving reading of a contemporary report, delivered by Marion O’Malley, followed by a reading from the bible superbly delivered by Sarah Valleley, the Deputy Head of The Hamble School. Following the singing of the national anthem, the crowd were treated to Demian Smith playing bagpipes. He played the tunes played by William Milllin on Sword Beach on D Day 1944 as troops stormed the beach, whilst I, as Mayor, had the honour of lighting the beacon located on the jetty. The service concluded with a reading by Deputy Lieutenant Jon Whitaker, followed by blessing by the Bishop.

During the day, I had the privilege of meeting a member whose son was a sadly killed in action in Afghanistan whilst serving in the British armed forces. This was a very contemporary reminder of the price of hostilities. Even if the pain of sorrow subsides, the heartache of loss will continue to weigh heavy on bereaved parents.

The service was followed by a community singalong organised by the Hamble Singers lead by Debbie who lead us through a series of wartime songs which was an excellent way to bring the event to an end.

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day 80th Anniversary Beacon Lighting in West End attended by The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Janice Asman

We received a very warm welcome from the people gathered for this occasion and a much appreciated warm drink was supplied prior to the commencement of the proceedings.

The day had been blustery with intermittent showers, but we were blessed with a fine and dry evening and the wind had died down.

Councillor Rick MacDonald introduced the proceedings for the evening and gave a brief outline of the events of D-Day. I read a short poem outlining what it must have been like in a small boat in the stormy seas.

The Beacon was lit by a pupil of St James Primary School alongside a number of 10th Itchen North Scouts and probably hampered by me.

The Beacon having been lit, two members of 10th Itchen North Scouts read out The International Tribute. Background music of the era was played until the Beacon died out.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Unwrapped Festival – Leigh Road Recreation Ground in Eastleigh attended by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Janice Asman

An amazing event, provided free and something for everyone. Live performances alongside have-a-go creative activities, craft and gift markets together with refreshments.
After a warm welcome from Charlotte there was a Bubbles entertainment. Bubbles both large and small provided both by the professionals and members of the audience (again both big and small!)
The very youngest especially, enjoyed
Boxville Cardboard Adventures’ performance and then loved creating their own works out of cardboard boxes.
A lovely day out for everyone and many thanks for being invited. I will be certain to look out for up-coming events.

Saturday 1 June 2024

The Little Mermaid Junior by Blue Butterfly Dance – at The Rose Theatre

This was a very enjoyable evening being entertained by some very talented youngsters. They danced, sang and acted brilliantly. The quality of the performance had the audience in stitches at times, brilliant timing of some of the lines, and expressions should have taken hours to perfect. But they group only started learning the parts in January!

If you had a chance to see the performance you will know what I mean. My congratulations to everyone involved. The standard was incredible.

Can’t wait to see what they do next.

Mayor With Little Mermaid CastLittle Mermaid Mayors Blog

Sunday 26 May

Civic Service

The service of dedication was beautifully lead by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Hayley Richens at St Boniface Church, Chandlers Ford. The service was friendly and well attended, although the congregation were mainly women, there was a football match scheduled somewhere else that day. But those that were there welcomed the Mayoral party and filled the church with song and prayer.

After the service we had the pleasure of a reception with cake and bubbles and a chance to meet everyone present.

The Mayor hopes to be present at the service of appointment of the new vicar, and at All Souls service.

Civic Service 2 Credit Debbie Pearce PhotographyCivic Service 3 Credit Debbie Pearce Photography
(Photos courtesy of Debbie Pearce Photography)

Thursday 23 May 2024

Shakespeare Infant School Visit

2.00 pm saw us attend our first function as Mayor and Mayoress of Eastleigh. We were greeted by the Head Teacher, Nikki Wilson and the Inclusion Manager, Clare Mills. We were soon introduced to a student, Gregory, he had written to a previous Mayor after he heard someone say that Eastleigh was Boring, He proceeded to explain why wasn’t and recommended we try the popcorn available at the cinema.

Gregory soon became out host and after we appointed him Deputy Mayor for the visit, he guided the Mayoress and I around the school grounds were we saw a variety of activity areas. The first was a Fairy Garden that included a quite reading shelter, this was a shelter furnished with soft cushions and drapes. We then went to a wooded area where children were sitting singing and signing nursery rhymes, truly enchanting. Eventually we arrived at pond dipping, the children were able to name the animals the Mayoress had fished out with a net.

An amazing school, during the visit were met some of the governors and representatives from Alpha Laboratories who support the school by providing finance for facility improvement.

We also met the head of the Junior School, Steve Cox. Nikki explained that he two schools work closely together to ensure a seamless transition from school to school.

Monday 20 May 2024

Mayor Making & AGM at The Point Eastleigh

On 20th May 2024 I was honoured by Councillors of the Borough of Eastleigh with being elected to the office of Mayor of Eastleigh. The evening started with well-earned thanks to the retiring Mayor, Nick Couldrey, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him and the retiring Mayoress, his wife Anne. They had attended a huge number of engagements and represented the Borough to the fullest.

My wife of 40 plus years was then invested as Mayoress by the outgoing Mayoress.

My Deputy Mayor was elected as Janice Asman, an excellent selection, and I had the wonderful task of investing her with her badge of office. Janice has selected Sarah Turl as her Deputy Mayoress and she was invested to office by the new Mayoress.
Having been invested as Mayor I then appointed Reverend Hayley Richens as my Chaplin for the forthcoming year. Hayley was unavoidable absent so was appointed in her absence.

I then had the pleasure of presenting a prize for the 50th anniversary logo to Stephanie Rose. The logo was a well-considered design that included landmarks from across the borough in a design that is simple to accommodate onto a document.
Special mention was made to Chandler’s Ford u3a who had created a post box Topper to commemorate 50 years of Eastleigh Borough, truly a spectacular work of art.

I was then delighted to present a “Local Hero” award to Karlie Smith who founded and runs Perfectly Imperfect. Her mission is to help people experiencing mental or emotional stress and teaches self-help by introducing them to a new circle of friends.
The highlight of the evening was to confer the title of Honorary Alderman to Roger Woods. Roger is a former Mayor and long term Councillor. The award is a legacy oversight of the forming of the new council. At that time Roger was omitted from the recipients that have completed 12 years or more service on the Borough or County and, at the age of 98, he was the centre of attention as EBC corrected that omission. Roger replied to the Council thanking them for his award.

Following the ceremony, the Mayoral party, plus the two award recipients, processed out and were delighted to greet all the guests that had attended the ceremony. There were refreshments available in the foyer of the The Point and during the reception The Mayoress and I had the opportunity to view some of the Toppers created by U3a Chandlers Ford. The latest were those created for the 80th anniversary commemoration of D Day.

CX & Mayor                  (Chief Executive witnesses the Mayor signing the acceptance of Office)

Mayoralty 2425     (Deputy Mayoress - Sarah Turl, Deputy Mayor - Councillor Janice Asman, Mayor – Councillor David Pragnell, Mayoress – Jean Pragnell)

Steph Rose 2
(50 Years Logo Winner Stephanie Rose)

Karlie Smith     
(Karlie Smith)

Roger Wood     
(Roger Wood)

U3A 1U3A 2Postbox TopperMayor & Topper
(Chandler’s Ford u3a​)

Deputy Mayor's Blog