Housing options
There are range of options to consider when looking for a place to live
Our experienced team of Housing Case Management Officers can help you to understand your housing options and offer advice and assistance.
Hampshire Home Choice
Apply to join Hampshire Home Choice if you wish to be considered for accommodation with a Housing Association.
If you are a housing association tenant and you wish to move, you can look for a mutual exchange with Homeswapper.
Privately renting
We can give you advice and support you to seek privately rented accommodation that is suitable and affordable for you.
Housing for older persons
Housing Associations in the borough have a large stock of housing for persons aged 55+. Those with care needs can also be considered for Extra Care Sheltered Housing
Supported housing and community based support
We have referral rights to a range of supported housing options including community based support.
Low Cost Home ownership schemes
There are a variety of low cost home ownership schemes available through local housing associations.
Help and advice with housing related costs
We may be able to help you with some of the costs incurred by renting or moving such as rent arrears, tenancy start up fees, furniture and food. We can also support you to apply for housing related benefits.
If you are homeless or have a threat of homelessness, we can help you with advice and assistance to find a resolution.
Talk to us
If you require assistance with your housing situation, please call 02380 688165 where a member of the Customer Service team will advise you. The Customer Service team may arrange for you to receive a call back from a Housing Advisor if necessary.
You can call between 8:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday or alternatively please email housing@eastleigh.gov.uk.
If you have a housing emergency outside of the above hours, please call 02380 688000 to access our out of hours service.