Vacancies for 'Independent Persons'

The Council is looking for two individuals to help promote and maintain high standards of conduct among its Councillors

The successful candidates will play a key role in standards matters, including the conduct of Borough and Town/Parish Councillors.

The Localism Act 2011 requires all local authorities to adopt a code of conduct for their elected Coucillors and to appoint independent persons to assist the Council in dealing with complaints that the code of conduct may have been breached.

The views of an Independent Person are sought and taken into account before the a decision on a conduct allegation being investigated is made. The Council may also seek the views of the independent person in relation to allegations where no decision to investigate has been made. In addition any Councillor, who has been complained about may seek the views of the independent person.

The Independent Person must have the experience and profile to be able to bring an independent and informed perspective and will need exercise fair and impartial judgment on conduct issues and to set high standards of ethical behaviour. Excellent communication skills, effective questioning and listening and personal integrity are vital.

You cannot be appointed as an Independent Person if you are (or have been in the past five years)

(a) a Councillor, Co-opted Member/Councillor or officer of the Authority; or

(b) a relative or close friend of a person within category (a) above.

The Council is seeking to appoint two independent persons on a two year and four year term respectively.

Support will be provided by the Council’s Monitoring Officer, who will arrange any necessary training and provide such information and assistance as is necessary to enable the Independent Person to perform the role effectively.

A fixed allowance of £600 is payable annually together with reimbursement of travel expenses.

Further information and the application form are in the application pack

Download the Application Pack

If you are interested in the role and have any queries please contact Joanne Cassar, Service Director Governance and Support (Monitoring Officer)

Completed application forms should be returned to by 30 August 2024.