Community Grants
Borough-wide and Local Area Committee community grant schemes
Our schemes offers grants across the Borough and priority is given to groups whose aims reflect the Council’s priorities of enabling a healthier Eastleigh, shaping places, protecting our environment, and creating homes and communities.
Eastleigh Compact
The Eastleigh Compact is an agreement between the Council and voluntary and community sector organisations serving the Borough. It is a mutually agreed document that outlines how we will work together now and in the future and applying for our grants often include mandatory membership.
Who can apply for our grants?
- Not-for-profit community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises that provide a direct service, offer advice/information, or promote self-help. They must also have community-wide benefits and be open to anyone.
- Groups must be ‘constituted groups’ with a bank account in its own name (requiring at least two signatures on each cheque).
- The group will also need to have adequate insurance and ensure that appropriate checks have been carried out on staff and volunteers if they work with vulnerable people.
Annual borough-wide community grant
The grant offers up to a £1,000 to community organisations, charities and not-for-profit groups whose aims promote and enhance people’s health and wellbeing, and which align with our corporate priority for ‘enabling a healthier Eastleigh’.
In particular, we are keen to hear from applicants who can demonstrate how their project or organisation/ group will benefit local residents and that the funding will be used to help address emerging challenges, including: social isolation, supporting young people, tackling deprivation, addressing health inequalities and promoting community engagement and neighbourhood connections.
When do I apply?
Now closed
What can the grant be used for?
- Purchase of equipment or materials
- Contribution towards running costs
- Funding specific projects
- Development of the organisation.
How to apply
When applications are open an online Community Grants Application Form will be live. You will be asked to supply a copy of the most recent accounts and bank statement to support your online application. If your application is successful, you will be also required to supply a copy of the following:
- a copy of the constitution or other governing instrument;
- a copy of your equal opportunities policy/statement;
- a copy of your safeguarding policy (if appropriate); and
- equal opportunities monitoring information (optional).
Local Area Committee grants
The following Local Areas Committees (LACs) distribute grants to charities and not for profit organisations within their areas, please note each timeline.
Who administrates the local grants?
Once your application form has been submitted, the appropriate LAC will consider your application and you will be informed of their decision.
Bursledon, Hamble-le-Rice & Hound LAC
Open all year round.
Check the area boundary
Hedge End, West End & Botley LAC
Currently closed
Check the area boundary
Hedge End, West End & Botley LAC Youth Grants
The Hedge End, West End & Botley Local Area Committee have some money available for youth grants. The simplified application form is an initial expression of interest for review by the grant panel.
Please complete the form for your chance to be awarded a grant of up to £500 to deliver a community-based project for young people in the area of HEWEB. If your expression of interest is successful, we will require further information and an agreement to work with Eastleigh Borough Council to celebrate your project.