How are complaints of anti-social behaviour handled?

What happens when a complaint is made?

 We are not able to take direct reports of ASB, all complaints must be made to Hampshire Police by calling 101. 

Working with partners including police, housing providers and others, we take ASB extremely seriously and always try to intervene at the earliest opportunity. Interventions such as warnings, visits or letters in many cases can stop a problem from escalating.

 The purpose of an intervention is to:

  • Protect victims, witnesses and the community
  • Help the person responsible for the problem to recognise the result of their behaviour
  • Make sure the person responsible changes their behaviour

Measures that can be used by us as the Council, the police and our partners against the person responsible include:

  • Warning letters and interviews or Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs)
  • Parenting Orders, Parenting Programmes working with the whole family
  • Noise abatement notices,  injunctions, dispersal powers, criminal  behaviour orders (CBOs)  and  Public space protection orders (PSPOs)
  • Premises closure orders
  • Demotion Orders, Possession proceedings against a tenant.

The most effective interventions help individuals improve their behaviour. When taking action against the people responsible, we can also consider whether improvements are needed to a neighbourhood, with upgraded lighting or fencing, or other enhancements.

If you are a victim or witness of anti-social behaviour, you can give evidence but stay anonymous. A police officer or other professional witness (e.g. a council official, health worker, teacher or doctor) can also give evidence in court on behalf of a vulnerable witness.