Shaping your community
What was ‘Shaping Your Community’ and why did we do it?
In October and November last year, over 1,600 residents and businesses responded to ‘Shaping Your Community’, an engagement campaign run by Eastleigh Council. The purpose was to share information about the Local Plan, what it is for and why we must have one, and to give you the opportunity to tell us what matters most to you. We wanted to know what facilities, homes, business premises and type of environment are most important so we can ensure your views are including in the way we plan for Eastleigh’s future.
Watch our short video which helps to explain what a Local Plan is:
What did we find out?
We received responses from residents from across the borough and from the neighbouring parishes in Winchester.
The four most important issues you highlighted were:
- Reducing traffic congestion
- Keeping countryside gaps between our towns and villages
- Medical facilities
- Air quality and noise pollution
Local businesses from across the borough also told us that traffic congestion was a big issue for them. In addition, the right mix of premises; and staff with the right range of skills are two key challenges.
Whilst the purpose of the engagement was focussed on sharing and gathering information related to Eastleigh’s Local Plan, it is clear that the feedback you have provided us with can help us with many more things. It is now important to make sure that all of this valuable information is used to inform decisions both within the council, shared with partners providing other services in the Borough and with our parish councils who can help to resolve more local issues you’ve told us about.
The final report has now been published.
The results of ‘Shaping Your Community’ along with a number of other technical studies have all helped to inform the Local Plan. More information will follow and local people will have the opportunity to participate in a consultation about the Local Plan in 2018.
Additionally, you can read more about what we are doing to address some of issues you've raised in our latest edition of the Borough News (pages 8-9)
About Eastleigh Borough’s Local Plan
Eastleigh has been working on a new plan to make sure we find enough space for all the new homes that are required, for businesses to locate and grow so people have jobs and to work out what other facilities are needed.
We work with a wide range of organisations when developing our local plan:
- Other local councils such as parishes, town and county councils
- Land owners and developers
- Utilities providers
- Highways England
- Natural England
- The Environment Agency
- Community and resident groups
- Local businesses
In 2015/2016 we consulted on a range of issues and options, in the early stages of developing the plan.
View the issues and concerns that were raised.
In July 2017, The Council put forward a preferred option for how it will deliver the necessary homes, jobs and facilities. The Full Council discussed proposals and an agreement was made to continue with the technical studies required, particularly those looking at the potential impact on traffic and aspects of the environment.
We also agreed that we, while waiting for the technical studies, would carry out further engagement with communities to both:
- ensure better understanding of what a local plan is, and why it has an impact on everyone who lives and works in the Borough; and to
- gain a better understanding of what you value and need most within your community and the new communities which will develop over the coming years.