Local Plan Monitoring

Housing land supply, annual monitoring report, shopping occupancy and Infrastructure Funding Statement

Five-year housing land supply

We are no longer required to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply following changes to national guidance (National Planning Policy Framework, paragraph 76). This is because we have an up-to-date Local Plan and could demonstrate at least a five-year supply when the plan was adopted in April 2022.

Before this change to national guidance, we regularly published five-year housing land supply reports:

Shopping Occupancy Survey

This document sets out our development of a policy approach to maintaining and enhancing the functions of town, local, district and neighbourhood centres in the Borough.

The survey work was undertaken in January 2020 by visiting all of the shopping centres and parades in the Borough.

Town Centres, Local Centres and Shopping Parades – Details of Occupancy

Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)

We are required to produce an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) following changes which were introduced through the Community Infrastructure Regulations in 2019. The IFS provides a summary of the developer contributions which are collected and spent by the Council.