Neighbourhood planning
Neighbourhood Planning is the Government’s initiative to empower local communities with the opportunity to shape the future of the places where they live and work.
The elements of Neighbourhood Planning are:
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
The NDP can set out general planning policies for the development and use of land for a given neighbourhood area. For example, the NDP could set out the vision for the future growth of the area and identify the locations where new homes and offices should be built. The preparation of an NDP is optional; however the plan must be in conformity with national policies as well local plan policies for the area.
Neighbourhood Development Order
A Neighbourhood Development Order grants planning permission for certain types of development, which are defined by the order, within the neighbourhood plan area. The permission could be full or outline, could have conditions attached and could be site specific or grant more general development rights across the whole area.
Parish Councils and Town Councils can choose to prepare an NDP, development order or both.
Neighbourhood Planning Process
The relevant legislation setting out the neighbourhood planning process is set out in the Localism Act 2011 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Parish Councils and Town Councils have the responsibility for leading the process, however Eastleigh Borough Council as a Local Planning Authority, has a significant role in assisting certain stages of the process and ensuring that certain criteria are met.
The procedure includes public consultation on the draft NDP and Public Examination. If the NDP is found to be satisfactory, a local referendum must take place, where more than 50% of those voting must agree to it, before it can be adopted as a formal part of the development plan.
Once adopted, planning decisions have to be made in accordance with the neighbourhood plan (and other parts of the Development Plan) unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
If you would like to be involved in neighbourhood planning or would like to find out further information please contact
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