Electoral Register

When you register to vote, your name goes on the electoral register, which is a list of people eligible to vote. It is often used to confirm an individual's address, especially if they are applying for credit such as a mortgage, personal loan or even a mobile telephone. If you are not registered you may be refused credit as well as losing your right to vote.

You need to be included on the register if you are:

  • 18 and over
  • British, Irish, European or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • 16 and 17 years old
  • Living at an address within the Borough of Eastleigh

To ensure we hold the correct details on our electoral register we undertake an annual canvass of all households in the Borough between August and November with a revised version published on 1 December.

Please do not assume that because you were registered last year that your name will be automatically included in this year's register. Also, being on the Council Tax Register does not automatically mean that you are on the electoral register.