Completing a Unilateral Undertaking

Guidance notes

We recommend that you use the below Unilateral Undertaking template to avoid any delays in the planning application process.

Please ensure that when submitting your draft Unilateral Undertaking, you also supply the following:

  • An application site plan
  • In the event of registered land; Land Registry title documentation and including a title plan that covers the entire application site (these must be official and up-to-date copies obtained directly from the Land Registry) or
  • In the event of unregistered land; a certificate of title with accompanying plan, duly signed by a solicitor
  • A covering letter confirming that our relevant legal costs will be met.

Your draft agreement will be checked by our Development Management and Legal teams. You will be notified if any amendments are required to be made to the agreement.

Once finalised, please ensure the agreement is dated and signed by all parties and you have attached a site plan (with the area the subject of the planning application outline in red). This also needs to be signed by all parties.

You will then need to submit to an original signed copy of the agreement with attached plan and one further copy of the agreement with attached plan along with a cheque made payable to 'Eastleigh Borough Council' to cover the legal fees.

Please Note: Failure to submit the approved and complete Unilateral Undertaking agreement along with the relevant fee by our statutory 8/13 week period may result in your application being refused.