Local Plan news and updates
Consultations and other information
Orchards Way, Gaters Mill and Botley Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Proposals Supplementary Planning Documents
The Council is currently consulting on revised Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Proposals for the existing Orchards Way, Gaters Mill and Botley Conservation Areas. This includes changes to the boundary of the Gaters Mill Conservation Area Appraisal and the Botley Conservation Area Appraisal. The documents also include Management Proposals for the Conservation Areas or zones within the Conservation Areas (excluding areas outside the borough). This consultation ends on 11 April 2025.
For more information and links to the revised appraisals and response forms.
Local Plan Review
The Local Plan Review “Issues and Options” consultation ended on 29th January 2025. This was the first stage of full public consultation on the Local Plan Review.
Find out more information with the Issues and Options consultation document.
Sign up to receive updates on the consultation and events
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Cabinet on 7 December 2023. This updates the guidance on how the Council will deliver affordable housing through new development.
Statement of Community Involvement
The revised Statement of Community Involvement was adopted by Cabinet on 23 May 2024. (Please note that this updates the previous version and Consultation Statement from December 2023). The SCI sets out how the Council will consult communities on planning matters including the Local Plan Review and on planning applications.
Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The consultation on a draft Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) ended 18 September 2023. This will replace the existing guidance on how the Council will apply cycle and vehicle parking standards for residential and non-residential development in the Borough.
The Council is currently considering changes to the draft SPD. A revised version will be taken to Cabinet for approval.
Call for sites
The Council is currently reviewing its Local Plan. The call for sites provided an opportunity for you to send us details of sites to be considered within the plan. This includes sites with potential for residential uses (including housing, specialist housing and older people accommodation); employment uses; and other uses such as community uses and environmental mitigation.
The closing date for submissions was Wednesday 6 September 2023.
The Council has now started to assess the sites to consider if they are suitable, available and achievable for development or for environmental improvements. This will inform the site allocations in the Local Plan Review.
Local Development Scheme
The Council has recently agreed a Local Development Scheme. This sets out a timetable for the Local Plan review. It provides information on the planning policy framework.
The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 was adopted at a meeting of Full Council on 25 April 2022. It is now the development plan for the Borough and replaces the Adopted Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2001-2011.
The adopted Local Plan and Policies Maps are below:
- Adopted Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036
- Policies Maps – North and South
Further information and copies of the Local Plan adoption documents and the Inspector report documents can be viewed on the Inspector’s Report and Adoption page.
The documents, information and updates from the examination process can be viewed on the Local Plan examination page.
You can get in touch with questions about the Local Plan Review
- Email: [email protected]