Councillors' allowances and expenses

What Councillors receive

The elected Councillors of the Borough Council receive allowances in recognition of the time, work and costs involved in representing the people of Eastleigh. The Council's scheme of allowances is based on the rules set out in national legislation. The levels of allowances paid are periodically agreed by an external independent panel who report to the Council on what is appropriate, based on the panel's analysis of the changing demands and pressures of members' workloads.



All Councillors are paid a basic allowance of £8,348.63 each year. This relates to the work they all do as local Councillors, representing their constituents. Those councillors with additional duties and responsibilities also receive a Special Responsibility Allowance for the extra work in relation to that further responsibility. These allowances are set out below:

Responsibility Allowances from 1 April 2023 


Basic Councillor allowance 8,680.92
Leader of the Council 25,709.61
Deputy Leader of the Council 11,888.22
Cabinet Member


Minority Group Leader


Area Committee Chair   


Area Committee Vice Chair 1,059.75
Chair of Policy & Performance


Vice Chair of Policy & Performance


Chair of Audit & Resources


Vice Chair of Audit & Resources


Chair of Admin Committee


Chair of Horton Heath Development Committee 


Vice Chair of Horton Heath Development Committee


Travel and Subsistence
Councillors can claim expenses for travelling and subsistence while on Council business. The current mileage rate is 45p per mile. For journeys outside the Borough, Members can claim a standard-class train fare or the mileage. The subsistence rates are:



For more than 4 hours but less than 8 hours


For more than 8 hours but less than 12 hours


For more than 12 hours


Childcare and dependent carer’s allowance

Councillors can claim a childcare and dependent carer allowance only where actual expenditure is incurred. Payments are based on the actual cost of care and should not exceed £10 per hour other than in exceptional circumstances. This is payable for attending full Council, Cabinet, Area Committees, Scrutiny and representing the Council on outside bodies.

IT Equipment

Upon election, Councillors receive a mobile tablet and will be provided with related sundries on request.  When they cease to be a Councillor (e.g. does not stand for re-election or is not re-elected), the equipment must be returned to the Council in good working order within 14 days of them ceasing to be a Councillor.


Councillors' allowance scheme