Customer Charter
You can trust us to:
- Understand your needs and find out what matters to you and your community.
- Be clear about what we can and can’t do for you.
- Be helpful, polite and treat you fairly and with respect.
- Protect and use your personal data in line with our privacy notice and handle your enquiry sensitively and confidentially.
Getting it right – we will:
- Work together to get the best outcome.
- Do what we say we will do.
- Update you on progress so you know what’s happening next, by whom and by when.
- Say sorry, take responsibility and put it right if we make a mistake.
Making it easy – we will:
- Offer a range of channels to easily contact us.
- Increase our services online so you can use them at a time that suits you.
- Communicate with you clearly in a way that meets your needs.
- Be accessible to everyone.
- Publish clear information.
Involving you – we will:
- Actively seek your views on our services.
- Listen to you and use your feedback to help us improve.
In return we ask you to:
- Give us time to action your request.
- Give us the correct information at the right time.
- Tell us when something changes.
- Tell us when things go wrong so that we can put them right.
Dignity and Respect
Treat us with respect and allow us to work in a safe environment free from aggressive, abusive, or threatening language or behaviour and sexual harassment.
Be aware if you feel your behaviours are altered by intoxicating drugs or alcohol and avoid important conversations at this time.
Any act of bullying, discrimination, physical or verbal harassment, sexual harassment or intimidation is unacceptable. If our staff are put in such a situation, we will take action to protect them.
Staff will not normally give permission for telephone calls or meetings to be recorded or videoed. Please inform us if you wish to do this and for what purpose.