Satchell Lane
Satchell Lane is thought to take its name from the estate of Sir Henry Shatershall, a Knight to Henry III in the 13th Century, although very few records exist to prove this to be fact. A number of publications on the history of this area are available from the Hamble Local History Society, including the History of Satchell Lane by Ian Underdown.
Also on the plaque there is a Peacock butterfly with its distinctive wing pattern of eye spots to confuse predators. Primarily laying its eggs on nettles, Peacock butterflies are widespread across the UK. Find out more about the Peacock butterfly on the Butterfly Conservation website.
This is the ninth marker post on the Hamble Peninsula Trails. From here it takes approximately 30 minutes to walk south east along the Principal Trail to Hamble Foreshore, or 10 minutes to cycle there.
The trail north along the Principal Trail to Bursledon Station takes roughly 35 minutes to walk or 15 minutes to cycle.
Travelling south and then west along the Principal Trail to Netley Abbey takes around 70 minutes to walk or 30 minutes to cycle.
You can also use the supporting trails to find your own route either along the coast, or inland visiting Netley, Hamble and Bursledon railway stations, where you will find the Parish Posts designed by artist Madeleine Allison.

Satchell Lane